Thursday, June 28, 2007
lol. just nth, i was just thinking abt the amount of posts i did. thats alot, i suppose?
ok since this is 1:01 am, so, yesterday was a very emotional day.
it started off with running arnd the corridors asking abt 25 Year 10s student to sign on Ms Pattison's card. yes, only 25 of us went to sch on the last day. most of us left the sch after the Science Modular Exam.
got the card laminated, voila.
about 7;30 am, Ms Pattison brought us to the Al Waha Club for Breakfast. our class was so quiet. mind u, our class is weird. we dont talk much amongst each other. during registration time, its always me and rahmi, yona and charlotte, sheasly alone, lamis alone, and bhagya goes of with shreya to roam abt at the corridors, since shes the head girl. whereas the boys, bilal comes late to sch, steffy is half asleep, ali and ahsan listening to iPods and benne just wonder arnd mumbling, or completing his hw.
back to the breakfast, Ms Pattison sat at the same table as me, steffan and rahmi. we talked about her new sch, which is in Budapest, Hungary. then joked arnd for a bit. until Mr Lambros came and made fun of our PSE lesson. LOL
ms pattison: would u like to join us?
mr lambros: what lesson is this?
ms pattison: *chuckles* the PSE lesson. we're doing the Social bit.
mr lambros: oh, i can see that,the social bit yeh? *laughs* ( laughed because we din sit as a whole group, we divided into groups instead.)
it was time to go, we had to take photos. :D so, i told ms pattison to have the Palm trees as our bckground so that she would remember Qatar having Palm trees while Budapest has ALL SORTS OF TREES.
walked back to sch, gawd. it was so hot. thank god the club is just next to the sch!!
we all gave ms pattison a hug. she started crying! i was trying to control myself..which i managed to in the beginning. UNTIL.. i saw Ms Malabar hugging vidia and the rest. so i went up to her, and hugged her. she cried too!! omg. i just cant help it but break down. Ms Malabar taught me alot of things, especially in gaining confidence in Sports. i could do the Breast stroke (i still cant swim btw. breast stroke is the only style i know *blush*), i could play netball, basketball *the defending bit* anddddd ROUNDERS!
it was sad.... moved on to English. we watched Pursuit of HappYness. yeah its spelt that way -_-
not bad, we din finish the movie though. Mr Lambros was such a bully!! i was talking to Mrs Baranda, and he interrupted and pushed me into the classroom so i would hurry up. GRR.
anyways, break time. BORING.
blablbala those thank you's and blablabla well done blablbalbala
played Leaving on the jet plane for the teachers.
started of with Mr Irvine. awhh man. no one would tease me anymore while i play the piano, and if i play at the sch hall, he would enter and look for my mistakes, hes like competing with me! although hes WAY better. teased him by saying " Mr Irvine if u have no money in France, come back here ok?" lame but he laughed at it.:D coz atika and rara was saying, how do u get money if u retire? shook his hands then moved on to the secondary teachers.
AAAAAAAA and as soon as i saw ms pattison crying, my eyes became teary-AGAIN!
i hugged ms malabar again, u know guys, shes like the BEST PE teacher ever!!!!! shes so fun and lively and LOUD! her games are always fun.. so enthusiastic, and so supportive. then vidia started crying. OMG. i felt soooooo emotional at that time, and started shedding a tear. gawd. then rahmi started crying. i was like OMG im not gonna see that, so moving along!
then came mr williams.tears just kept rolling over my cheeks. about mr williams, sigh, hes my Media teacher. and when i came last year, i was in his English group. hes like fun as well! in Media, we get to listen to iPods while doing our work, because he thinks we work best if we dont talk to our peers, but listen to music. which works for me :D hes helpful too. he comes online every now and then, and if we have trouble in doing our coursework, he would tell us what to do and give us hints &ideas. we also talk abt movies and singers LOL and on how he hates Tom Cruise and some other actors. our media lessons were never boring, coz hes full of suprises well, except for his strange taste in movies. Political comedy? lol. oh, and hes rather hot too *blush* PLS CAN HE NOT READ THAT. it wont be fun no more, coz i wont be able to tease Popi. im gonna miss him :( and he said that we wont remember him after 3 weeks of sch. YAA RIGHT. soon after hugging him, i was like OMG i cant bear this, but i had to go to ms pattison WHO WAS HEAVILY CRYING.
dammnnnnn! one of the seniors who were there was like, saying awwwwwww to me coz i stood there, with tears! im laughing abt it now. although a part of me, feels like crying. i hugged ms pattison again, and then i told her how thankful i was for her guidance when i first came in sch. she used to always ask me if i had any problems until i settled down in sch for abt 3 months. soo yeaaa...
yeappp 3 teachers left the secondary sch. its a shame that theyre leaving, coz theyre so unique!!!! theyre fun!! imagine, if we had those dull boring teachers replacing them. plssss can the new media teacher be fun plsssssssssss she better be!!! coz its Media!! im so worried abt media. its a tough subject.
wanna know abt my shopping trip in Villagio justnow?
it was Millie's bday. hhehe. celebrated it at TGI Friday's. she was like so shocked that the waiter and waitresses suddenly came with a cake and sang like a TGI friday's happy birthday jingle.. LOL.
after all those, me and christie went to Bershka. and millie and esther came along a while later. nothing attracted me during the sale, it was like boring the clothes were boring!! i tried on a summer dress. looks cool. but it made me look like im pregnant. WHATS WITH THIS MATERNITY STYLED CLOTHES?! weird trend for 2007.
millie was dancing in the shop while me and christie were trying out clothes. AND AND! THE HOT BERSHKA DUDE! HES LIKE.. "i saw u!"
he SAW HER DANCING. and told her that he saw her dancing!
thank god the two salesdood ignored me. THANK GOD.
the HOT DOOODDD.. i wont be seeing u for 1 month!! but dont worry hot dude, ILL BE BACK.
oh oh during the dinner, i told millie's friend that "i go hypr when i see him" HAHAHAH. messi lookalike. SO DAMN HOT. i wonder how old he is. hopefully arnd 25. omg what am i saying? "HOPEFULLY ARND 25?!" lol!!!!!!!! gila~
i bought Kristen's present. :D ima give it to her when im in KL!
i went to H&M and searched for that DAMN WHITE BAG i was crying over for not buying it the week i went.
WHOA. it was ONE MORE LEFT! i was gonna buy it, UNTILL i saw A BROWN STAIN ON THE LEATHER BIT.
i was EMO. like i nearly cried, ask christie. INFACT, I DID. we went back in to bershka. and i was like. SHEDDING TEARS. like. not much. but my eyes became watery.
then.... had to go home after shopping.
omgggggggg U DIN KNOW HOW I FELT. i was gonna jump out of the car window and kill myself.
that bag, was one of a kind. ITS REALLLY PRETTY.all white, but huge and chique! its like those bags Nicole Richie or Mischa Barton uses. those supersize bags!
ok im gonna go now. this post is too long.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Im 15
and its my bday today! :D i know i shudve post it earlier.. i was soo bussyy..
in the morning of 25.6.2007:
- revised, then ate bread with strawberry cheese spread. *DELISH* then had this euphoria feeling, i revised in front of the piano while practicing my A Minor scales. *talk abt multitask! :D*
- got ready for sch. FELT SO EXCITED about the exam. i could feel my heart rate incresing. not good. i just wanted the exam to be over and DONE with.
at 11:00 am:
- waited in front of the Multi Purpose Hall for like 1/2 hours! my gawsh. the teachers were still sorting out the "precious paper" ( which btw, turned out to be SO HARD*
at 11:30 - 1:04
- sat for Bio paper. half an hr paper. OH WOW. its HARD. praise the Lord, i got an A for the previous exam. so if i fail, my A is always with me. i mean like HOW DO WE CALCULATE BMI WITH THOSE WEIRD VALUES?!!!!!! 27,26, 25?!?!?!?AND STATE WHICH VALUE IS THE OBESE ONE? nvm i just had to let that go. i know its mass over height squared. BUT.. HOW. WHAT DOES THOSE NUMBERS GOTTA DO WITH IT?! who has time to calculate over 100 numbers in just half an hr?!
- half an hour passed. sat for Chemistry paper. not bad. just not sure why ppl call Black hydrogen. so i chose, "because commercial hydrogens are obtained from gas, which is a fossil fuel." OK so i hope thats right.
- half an hr passed. sat for Physics! :D joy..~ it was ok.. that was actually the easiest among all three. however, it took me abt 10 mins to figure out that theres 2 lines on the graph. i din know that the 2nd line was like parralel to the X axis. blame those solar panels and gas generator. LIKE W.E!!!!!
i thank the Lord for giving me an A for my P1a, C1A, and B1A. the previous paper i sat for was EASIER than the resits.
ok.. so after that.. was BALLET CLASS!
its the last ballet class unfortunately.. oh well.. i enjoyed it. not gonna talk much abt that. coz i cant do most of the splits. *depressing*
ok then.. it was LAST PIANO CLASS!!!
i played Blues and Jazz! woohhooo.. fun fun. mrs miles showed me a golden coin. like PURE golden coin. REALY COOL. she bought that for like 600 riyals to give to her twin brothers! so yeah she bought two! then, shes gonna ask them to get a value for the coin so they could sell it! imagine the cash! $$$$$$$$
lastly.. some gathering at Bilal's hse
I DID MOST OF THE BBQ. psh u guys. it took them 2 hrs to set up the fire. hahaha took pictures. but not much this time. watched this SCARY MOVIE. its in Indo. but omg. i cant understand a word they say. they speak too fast. SOO SCARY. like the bolster became the ghost. OH MY GOSH
it might be under my bed!!!!!!
thats all for today's post. ill post some pics tomoz. since im FREEEEEEE!!
i can fly i can fly i can fly!! *Disney's peterpan's movie tune*
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Too Much Too Ask
i received my reports today.
very pleasing.
i realised, that almost EVERY teacher said that im the enthusiastic member of class. did they have to tell me that? I KNOW THAT ALREADY.
il update more abt the reports although u dont seem to care but iill just write abt it more some other time. coz this post is due to reggie requesting me to update my blog.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
however, i have vowed to myself that I AM NOT GOING OUT THIS WEEK DUE TO THE EXAMS ON MONDAY.
despite those, i shall continue to motivate myself that once the exams finish, i can drag my mother to Villagio.
so, in order to have the bag, i should tell my mother that i am CHECKING OUT THE SALES.
the excuse of leaving on Thursday will be a gd one.
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
are u going to Villagio anytime?
C H R I S T I E says:
i went today
C H R I S T I E says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
C H R I S T I E says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
C H R I S T I E says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&R There's No Kindness In Your Eyes says:
excuse my language. i was just too jealous. arghhhh!!!!!! this exam is SERIOUSLY pissing me off. 2 more days. TILL FREEDOM. then Villagio! and plus, i live 40 mins away from Doha. its so far away! omg if i moved to Les Roses, Villagio would be JUST ACROSS THE STREET. dang!
im worried. WHAT IF THE CLOTHES DISSAPEARED NEXT WEEK?! omg. guys. save some for me!!!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
i went to bed early at abt 9 pm. soo... yeahh i had A BAD DREAM.
i cant recall what it was about, but i know that i BANGED MY DOOR. like BANGED IT REAL HARD!!! and screamed MUMMY!!! DADDY!! HELP!!! I CANT OPEN THE DOOR!!!!! ITS LOCKED!!!!!!
like wtf. DUH IT IS.
so right... my dad was like just open it!
im lik.. i cant! however, unconciously, I OPENED THE DOOR. then im like IT DIN WORK JUSTNOW!
then.. my dad was like OMG ure such a big girl now u stil have bad dreams i dnt know how to say it in english, i know in my language its called "ngigau" and my mum laughed. and shes like WHATS SO HARD ABT OPENING THE DOOR rachel?
i had this 2 mins arguement abt the door knob, and my dad had to like teach me how to unlock the door. WTF right?
then i went to check my mobile and it was just 11:13 pm. no wonder they could still hear me.
when i wake up the next morning, my mum was like... interesting dream u had rachel.
thank god breakfast was ready i just gobbled up :)
anyways guys, picturos tomoz.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hilary Duff
Duff's new video is AMAZING!!! She looks so pretty there... i love her make up in that video. especially the one where she had the hoodie on. just watch the video! spare a lil time :)
its REALLY GOOD video! i dedicate this song to all the girls ;)
How many..
1. Cookies could you eat at once?
FYI, i dont like cookies.
2. Times do you clean your room a year?
do the math. i clean my room every Saturdays.
3. Times do you pee during the night?
Im half asleep by then, how do u expect me to count? alright, maybe once.
4. Times you bathe your pets in a year?
I havent got pet. theres a lil rabbit in the hse, but it belongs to esther.
5. Times you brush your teeth a day?
3 times.
6. Meals you eat a day?
7. Approximate pounds of chocolate you’ve consumed in your life?
I dont know. i dont eat much chocolate coz i dont like em. they hurt me throat
8. Times do you cry a week?
9. Jeans that you own?
Giordano, Bench, Soda Jeans
.10. Money in your wallet?
QR 154
11. Times have you dyed your hair?
Once. Dyed it Dark Blonde which now turns Brownish. thanks JASZ, for dyeing it till my Penguin shirt turned brown. :S the colour turned out evenly, so bravo.
12. Hours of TV do you watch a day?
erm, well i dont watch much tv nowadays. but i spend an hour watching tv on a normal day.
13. Sodas do you consume in a day?
i dont drink sodas. again, they hurt me throat. serve me Sprite with loads of ice, thatll do well though.
14. Sheep do you want on your farm?
NONE. ARGH. u know i hate animals so stop askin me flippin' animal ques!
Do you believe in/support:
Ghosts? I dnt know
Aliens? No.
Abortion? No.
Superstitions? Nope
Botox? No, although loads of the locals or the ppl in this region does it alot.
Plastic surgery? No.
Religion? Of course!!
The Bible? Yes
Yourself? Claro que SI!
Marriage? Yes.
Divorce? Nah...
IF IF IF……….
1. If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?
age. hmm. the period when Mozart is alive. (A) i wanna see how hot he is. coz his pieces are MAGNIFICENT!
2. If you met an alien she’d look like Mrs B. :) gawd i hate her.
3. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
Be able to draw.Be flexible on my right leg. Long hair.
4. If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?
ME? FOR SALE?excuse me? joke. it would say... " Most enthusiastic young lady of the year, shes jolly and cheeky. Who is she? RACHEL!" ok i know that is LAME.
Which one are you?
1. You are a city OR country person?
2. You think more with Passion OR Logic?Passion,purfavor.
3. You’d rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?
with them, course.
4. You’d rather drink Milk OR juice?
Juice. we need glucose to respire
5. Your a Cat OR dog person?
who made this bloody question? its all abt animals. seriously
6. Smoothies OR Milkshakes?
milkshakes baby.
7. Night Owl OR Day Bird?
Day bird,
8. Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?
Apple pie
9. Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?
I dont mind. Any will do.
10. Do you like your mate to be skinny winy or have a little chunk?
i want him to be muscular. gotta look macho abit lah.
11. Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?
QUILLED?! wtf. ur english is terrible. not only that u keep asking abt animals, u spell KILL wrongly! hahahah loser. ok erm. i dnt wanna get "QUILLED". :P
so now, i have to tag za ppl. i shall tag
Sunday, June 17, 2007
yes, im ok, i was just thinking abt the perfect bbq party. not sure when tho.
any gd bbq recipes?
*shakes head* its WAY past my curfew. if daddy sees the router being switched on, im DEAD.
lets just hope that hes fast asleep, not watching any football leagues.
wait, is there any football leagues goin on?
right now, im very10x bored. im listening to "Ima Flirt" by R Kelly. awesome song! makes me wanna dance, but wth, how to dance if its way past curfew? im not even supposed to be on the comp typing. THANK GOD for wireless connection. apart from reducing the extraction of Copper, it also keeps Rachel awake. i know, im almost 15, and i still have curfews. yes, its ok. i dont mind the curfew system. its good, it actually helps in losing weight. HAHAHA
zomg. im scared. what if. the girls in Miri are like, being all wannabe OC girls? its scary u know, even worse, if they start dressing up like Avril Lavigne. *shutters*
who cares. Miri is the place i wanna be. you can't mess with me coz i wont let you :) coz i learn KICKBOXING. *random* HAHAH. yes i will double and single punch u. :D DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE? forgive me, its almost 12 am.
slow acoustic songs are supposed to be playing on my iPod. SO THAT I COULD SLEEP! argh.
seriously, can i board on the plane like, RIGHT NOW?
"up, up and away!! my beautiful, my beautiful baaaloooonn!"
lol. im loco.ya i know.
rachel is scared. of. HIM. *shutters* i dont dare to even talk to him or look at him. *does the word "him" makes this post emo?* just wondering.
rachel detest her english teacher. gosh. question. does pregnant people have PMS? like, i know they dont have periods but u know the whole PMS is taking over. my english teacher's voice has changed to an octave of her previous high pitched voice.
its HIGH PITCHED. its worse than a piccolo. reg, u know i hate her so much.eventhough shes a psychologist, doesnt mean shes perfect. thats what i hate abt psychologists, they think they know everything. those arses are meant to get a life and enjoy it instead of assuming that they are correct themselves. having a psychologist as your english teacher is A TORTURE. she knows what goes thru in ur mind just by looking at ur facial expression.
i should stop talking abt her. or her ghost my haunt me. u never know, psychologists can be psychics too. shes a gd english teacher although i cant imagine her teaching us Shakespeare next year. thank god Mrs Lopes is taking over.
to her: shoo u noisy fly. rachel hates u. :) and perhaps, decrease ur volume? my eardrums are starting to hurt.
i feel better now *smiles* hahah. im off to bed.
i cant view my chatbox, neither can i view the AQA website.
i DESPERATELY need to print off the answers for the Past Papers for Biology.
stupid internet. or is my wireless router just extremely RETARDED to the max? - yeah exxageration, but so true.
This week:
1. Yr 4 Music Production on Weds
2. Yr 6 Class Mentoring
3. Media Coursework. - (oh gosh, i bet rahmi and popi doesnt wanna take pics no more )
4. Last meeting with Jaszoo coz shes gonna go to Malaysee.
oh my gosh.... magg and samuel are in Miri!! sigh, i told Samuel to take picture of my house's junction and if possible my hse. And if he doesnt do it, i told him that i will smack his head. :) try me dood. i do martial arts too(A) worst case scenario i can smack u with ur guitar :D Violence. lol. but we love each other dont we? :) hahah mag, if ure reading this dont show it to him, coz he doesnt know the guitar bit.
zomg. why am i listening to some Indo band? Kehadiranmu. any idea who sings that? sounds nice. but pah ima press "next"
u know, i volunteered to perform for Yr 10 Awards Achievement Assembly. laughs at loud. what was i thinking? i even VOLUNTEERED to PERFORM. im so screwed. my Mozart piece is like 75% perfect. im definately not gonna make a fool of myself in front of Mr Taylor again.
if i dont play the Mozart piece, i wont be able to sleep well at night. that piece is VERY important. because i need to redeem the stoooooopid simple wrong note pressing during Break Time Concerts. + abit of swearing while playing.
im such a lazy pig nowadays. i have officially ditched the gym. i got revision to do. u know, after revising for an hr, i start yawning and i feel sleepy. so yea, i take like 2 hrs nap. when i wake up, i take my shower, chat, then play the piano then dinner.
then i play the piano again, then revise , chat. and erm. ya. thats abt it.
omg wth am i listening to jasz's retarded korean song. Cherish-News? reminds me of the gay dance in the video. ewwww.
i better go. bbye.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
well well *smiles*
omg highlight of the week? i saw LOADS OF skateboarders in the malls. HAWT HAWT HAWT.
THEY LOOK LIKE.. those hot dudes u see in punk rock bands. HOTNESS.
i sound like a noob? yes, coz its actually my first time seeing a whole lot bunch of them in Doha! i usually see one or two, but this time, its the whole crew! this was in CC
u can easily see one in Sunglass Hut, a sunglass "boutique" hes working for his summer job. i swear, hes soo hot. (l)
and like erm.. i saw two boys eating at villagio. they were like typical Orange County dudes. californiaa (8) with the leather wristband and jeans and graphic shirts and like shoulder length straight hairstyle. pahh too bad, NONE of the guys in my sch are as hot as them. (which is gd, so i wouldnt have to feel bad being almost the 2nd shortest girl in Yr 10)
yesterday, i went to Villagio again. OMG i so want that huge bag in H&M!! its so pretty!
i should like... make my parents go there again. AND ILL GRAB THAT PRETTY BAG. ahh!!! i regret for going to the toilet,coz my mum left the shop after i came back. i shudve bought it when she was there so i wouldnt regret so much.
we bought LOADS of goodies from MnG. since sherlene's an MNG fan, i got u a tank top:) bought a few tops for my other friends too. hehehe. u MNG girls.
and omg. my mother nearly made me cry! we went in Zara, and this top caught my eye. its a black top with the word "Have You Ever..." i was gonna buy that with my own money. but then, she took it, and bought it for her sister!! i was like, omg mummy but Zara is in KL! she can buy it herself. worse part is that she bought the same size that i was gonna wear. i had this high hope that she was gonna change her mind and give it to me.
TOO BAD, she knows that i bought myself in Bershka last week. giving the shirt was a NO NO. *cries* i was < > this close to cry. i swear, my eyes turned red. i wanted that one so badly!! coz it looked really elegant and stuff. shoot. then she told me that if i sweet talk my aunty into giving me that top, im in trouble. WHICH IS OK, I WONT DO IT. its hers anyway. im a big girl, i should understand. pah, so depressing. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL AN EMO POST :) NOT THE I MISS YOU sorta thing *yuck*
today, i went to City Centre again and ate lunch at the Chinese Restaurant. omg guys, i went there last night and came back again for lunch. THE FOOD IS THAT GOOD.
its omg. so DELISH! seriously, its EXACTLY like how the chinese coffee shop cook their foood. lemon chicken, roasted chicken (u know the ones like chicken rice),peking duck + the flour paper-looking to eat with it SOO NICE. i was like, OMG MUM, IT TASTES LIKE PUJUT SEAFOOD and Boulevard Seafood Restaurant! its soo delicious, i took some pics using my phone, cant be bothered to upload atm. coz im currently hyper.
i got so angry with mi papito. he stopped me from buying the Vans flat shoes :'( again, i was gonna buy it MYSELF but he stopped me. :'(
but then, i got a Canon Digital Ixus in the end!!! more stupid Sony camera.
note to ALL PPL. Sony is the CRAPPIEST digital camera u could ever have. i dnt think sony is meant for cameras. they just dont. im so happy!!
yeah so thats how the whole shopping fever ends.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
i just got back from the Al Waha club. a recreational club, and i dnt mean drugs and alcohol. i mean swimming pool and sports stuff and RESTAURANT.
oh my gosh. i was eating dinner with my parents. while i was eating this lil boy kept pressing the piano. and i wondered where that sound came from. so after that, i was like OMG its a piano! can i play instead then? u know i mean like its better than having a lil kid banging on the keys.
and i did. i played some song. AND THE LIL KID CAME AND PLAYED AGAIN. gawd. then the waiter told me to stop playing to meet the manager, so i could come tomoro.
so i was still taking my time and stuff, i went to the receptionist asking for the manager. then the guy said that he JUST LEFT 5 mins ago. stooooooooooopiddddd. if i was just a lil quicker, I WOULDVE played on the grand piano! :'(
but then the waiter said that theyre looking for pianist to replace mr leynes coz hes gonna go on vacation next month. I WILL, take that place. :) although ill be in msia doesnt mean that i cant play for August :)
AAAAAA. i wanna play so badly. they told me to come tomoro.IM SO STUPID THOUGH, i couldve left my phone number with that waiter guy. dammit. for sure, im not going back to waha just to ask if i could play the piano
sheeeshhh. rachel ure so stupid.:'( i need a summer job desperately.
PFFFFFFFTTTTTTTT i ran out of ideas to make a parody of this sorta blog post. CLEARLY, THAT IS BULLSHIT. do you think im that sorta person who would even spend time writing those sad posts on the blogs where almost the whole wide world have access in viewing it? Give me a break. LOL i just wonder WHY ppl would write abt such things on blogs. cant they afford a diary??
lol u mustve wondered why i did this post. in the morning, at sch, i told regina that i wanna make a parody of ppl making a big fuss on break ups and frustration in their so called love life. and i chatted to jasz abt it too. i bet shes gonna make a response to this post. are u jasz? all that cheesy and corny stuff, sometimes it just pisses me off. i know everybody has the freedom to write abt their thoughts but writing abt your thoughts that WE DIN REALLY NEED TO KNOW ? i dont think thats necessary. and plus if u were brave enough, a name would be gd to break the stereotype of "SAD POSTS"
rebecca, the 8 yr old girl did exactly what i used to do. oh gosh, i wished i could just scream at her. LOL. i hate ppl hitting the wrong notes when they know what note it is. especially when shes restless.and especially when she played it correctly during the warm up. gawd. the reason why i din scream at her was because i know how it feels to be yellled at. my piano teacher was so strict, she would just say the notes out loud and make me press the same notes like 10 times. and repeat the bar.
so instead, i just calmed myself down. and told her to repeat the bar 15 times while i got myself a drink. hahah ABUSE :D
lol.. and she sighed as soon as she heard the instructions. that was my reaction when my teacher tells me to repeat the bar 10 times. torture.
then to clear the mess up, i told her mum abt it, just incase she tells her another story. then her mum told me that she was playing with her friends before she came to the lesson.. so i assume, tht she's either tired or she wants to spend more time playing with her friends. after the lesson, i told her to concentrate and practice. and, no praising this time. :) i shall not praise her for dissapointing me.
we had non uni day today. did not take any pictures. thanks to the best camera in the whole wideworld. SONY. that has just died a week ago. i shall not let u rest in piece as i will buy a new battery. technology these days. so yea thats mostly it.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Science Modular Exam - resits. O. M. G
Media Comic Coursework -redraft
sighers. Science Modular Exam. im trying really hard to motivate myself. i told my mum that i am not going to Doha for any reasons. Doesnt matter if there is gonna be a party or just some shopping thingy. im going to stay at home and STUDY. this is my last chance of getting an A*. i shall not screw this up.
u know what motivates me? Malaysia Summer Trip. and.. the fact that im not going to Doha this week saves money :D which means, i could spend off my money after the exam. when retail therapy is certainly required. although, that doesnt mean i would spend loads. but hey, theres sale going on MnG, and Jennyfer. 12 June till 2nd July.
Definately not gonna go to MnG. but i might buy some clothes for lynnie since shes a fan of one.
Villagio. Bershka here i come. i know ull have sales too ;) u always do coz ure a copycat and thats why i love u. :) u and ur pretty clothes and ur hot salesguys which one of them resembles like a football player. *freaky,rachel* yeah rachel, keep dreaming, its their job anyways to make u feel comfortable when ure shopping in their shop. nothing special. cept for having to see the hot dude flirting with the philly salesgirl *cries* ---> soo amazing, so chique.
omg i checkd the website, and for their latest collection, theyre gonna have nice graphic tshirts! woohooo just like what i more clothes that looks like a maternity dress. lol although i bought myself one last week xD.
why am i blabbering abt Bershka yet again? LOL. ill be there, Bershka and to the salesguy, ure gonna love me for coming every 2 weeks. ahahahah talk abt flirtation,jasz.
yay. another week. then science exam. then the "oh-so-exciting-ice-skating-trip" -_-" why not the beach club or smt?its better, more sexier. LOL. (A) then Orchestra performance end of term. then HOLIDAYS. then ill be off to Dubai! then Malaysia! i MUST MUST MUST MUST study hard. i hate it when my parents go " we let u go on ur summer trip.
"she is so unsure whether or not her feelings are real " - LOL
whos she? u figure. i knwo who she is:D but dont ask, coz i wont answer. unless u dont know the person, thn u ask ;)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
i realised. Nadal is HOT. enough abt that.
guys, news flash. im going home on the 29th of June! and my mother is picking up the tickets tomoro! im going to Kuala Lumpur with Christie and her mother!!!! ill be going to Dubai on the 28th at night. and then OFF TO MALAYSIA BABY. for A MONTH. coming back to Qatar on the 11th of August!
i am so excited. I called my grandparents. and called my aunty and uncle! and i called Kristen. and she thought i was already in Malaysia! lol. when i called her, she was like OH MY GOSH IS THAT U RACHEL. omggggggg rachel's coming home.
sherlene, i need u to tell me when u PMR trial is going to be so then i wont visit u guys when u have the exam. ill come after the mocks.. i got PLENTY OF TIME.
oh my gosh.. IM COMING HOME. finally. a date. which i could look forward. 19 days till i leave this blazin hot desert.
guess what, Samuel and Magdeline are in KUALA LUMPUR right now with their two other sibs and their dad!
OMGGGGGGGGGGG isnt it amazing.
i told samuel to take picture of the Twin Towers from the hotel window and he was sending it to me on MSN. and it failed and he went off to eat some yummy food for dinner.
GRRRRR. i was soo excited for the pic.. lol!
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samuel says:
should i
** R.R.R <29/6> R&Rachel, Stop Procrastinatin. says:
** R.R.R <29/6> R&Rachel, Stop Procrastinatin. says:
samuel says:
decrease the size
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samuel says:
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* R.R.R <29/6> R&Rachel, Stop Procrastinatin. says:
samuel says:
samuel says:
i swear
samuel says:
u should go back home now
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notice the typos. it shows that i was SO HYPER. and this one was before i received the picture.
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notice the typo again. OH MY GOSH IM SO EXCITED
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Bershka Experience.
yesterday.. we had lunch at Wok Of Fame, Villagio, a chinese restaurant. yummy food. pictures in Jasz's cam. i know, i always promise that i am gonna upload pictures but i never did. heh. although our table had this hole in the wall and christie saw an eye in the hole. she was so scared. and i thought she was illusioning. but i saw it myself. and started screaming. it was SCARY. so we chucked a tissue into the hole :D problemo solved.
after having lunch, christie,jasz,millie and i went downstairs to see stuffs (window shopping)
i was so eager to go to Bershka because i want to buy a new top after all my hard work in piano teaching. retail therapy (A) its always good to reward urself.
well we went and walk arnd chasing the lil kids coz they were playing alone at the ground floor. so we had to tell them to go back upstairs and sit with parents.
then toilet then journey starts.
we went to pimkie, moa and h&m and MNG. decided to go back to restaurant to say thank u to uncle eddie and jeff coz they paid for lunch. on the way, this SUPERHOT but skinny sales guy from this coat boutique was checking us out. yes us, jasz walked in front and he looked at her from head to toe then christie was behind and he did the same , then i was behind and after he passed me, he did this LOUD smooching sound to the 3 of us. SOO FREAKY. but he was hot. although if i kicked him, he would fly into the man made river of Villagio. :)
arrived at restaurant. aydayadyadyada
then we decided to go downstairs after 20 minutes of hanging arnd at the restaurant.
first, jasz christie millie and i were just checking out clothes. i thought i was gonna walk out from the shop coz i was gonna check out pull and bear. and i told them which sales guy ii think is hot. he looks like a football player. i swear. his skin complexion is like Lionel Messi. SO HOT. i wonder, is that a form of marketing??? hes too hot but he never seemed to help me look for clothes, he was flirting with this philipino salesgirl instead *cries* HES HOT. ill show u if one of u shop with me. LOL lynn, ure gonna love him i swear.
but then i started trying on clothes. and jasz and christie was like can we go to pull and bear? im like u go ahead, millie come stay with me.
so shopping gets serious. i started asking the not so hot looking salesguy for a tshirt with graphic designs. unfortunately they din have any. so he recommended SO MANY TOPS.
and asked his friend to help him. then they started competing on which top to get because i kept saying NA AH NA AH NA AH. partly coz the tops were soo sexy i dnt think mum lets me wear those barebacks. and why shud i wear a jacket with them its so hot here.
so right, then this sales guy showed me this shirt with a lil skull designs. and im like THAT SHIRT WAS HERE 2 MONTHS AGO. i know where u keeep them! then hes like how often do u come here? then i was like twice in a month. then hes like where do we keep them? then i pointed to the rack at the entrance. and he was like saying "masyallah" then he started telling his friend who he was competing with.
then suddenly his friend popped up from no where started standing in front of me with a top and then the other one came and showed me another top. THEY BOTH STOOD IN FRONT OF ME HOLDING TWO TOPS I FIND EXTREMELY HIDEOUS. i was lol-ing sooo bad! coz they made me as if i was this important client by standing line in line showing the tops to me. and all i say was NO! NO!
christie and jasz came back and stood arnd somewhere the fitting room and started laughing. christie thought i was flirting. I WASNT! it was so funny im starting to giggle.
BERSHKA. i love bershka. nothing beats bershka. not even Zara or MNG. MNG SUCKS ASS. they design UGLLY LOOKING CLOTHES WITH UGLY COLOURS. unless u wanna look plain the whol time then u go to MNG. zara's ok but somtimes they have ppl's face on their designs. and pull and bear have sesame streets on their shirt. who would wanna wear that? EW.
bershka. is hot. + hot salesguy. im aiming for him to help me next time. no more those ppl.
in the end, i bought a green top. and the guy was at the cashier. and he was like... where ure from? im like Malaysia. then hes like do u work for Qatar Airways? im like NO. im a student. then hes like A STUDENT?! lol hahahah thank god the other dude left for lunch break. THANK GOD.
i did too much until i see stars. in order words, i nearly puked coz my head was spinning.
there is no time to waste actually because i need to do arnd 5 more GIANT topics to revise for.
- Communication in Business (yuck. its self explanatory why do we have to revise?)
- Forms of Motivation (screw these psychologists who made up the motivating theories)
- Forms of Leadership ( i need to understand this,so i wont curse on this one )
- Trade Unions ( w.t.f.)
- Marketing Mix ( thank god i revised this for my other Business exam last week and i got a B for it.71% not good )
i started revising on Friday night.. did Unit 1 and 2. it was a pain in the neck. revised for an hour. then, i watched Open All Hours, a 1970s English sitcom. hilarious.. i find Mr Arkwright, ( i dont know whats his real name ) rather cute. hehehe "how many Ps are there in P-P-P-P-Pepper?" lol. after that, i watched The Queen. it was ok, but i didnt finsih the movie due to being scared. yes, the story kept showing diana's face. i hate it when ppl show me pictures of dead ppl.
so i slept at like 10:30. woke up today at 8:30. thats abt 10 hours of sleep! hurray!
after getting all dressed and stuff, my mum and i went to Waha to buy ballet shoes. i LOVE my ballet shoes... *smiles*
u know, i stitched the elastic strap to the ballet shoes... without any help from my mother! =d except i askd her on how to tie the knot on the thread. fyi, that was my first achievement in sewing. in Form 1, at my old sch, we had to sew a skirt for our coursework. and guess what i did, i sent it to the tailor and told her to make it look as if it was not properly done. i wonder if i got an A for that skirt, coz the teacher din mark it when i left the sch.
i should ask Sherlene to check my grades. HAHAAH i bet that weird Cikgu Emi has it still. i bet its at the cupboard by the fridge. right sherlene? :) or is the sewing machine by the fridge now.
so now, im alone with my sister, Esther. the rest of the family went to Jasmine's house for lunch. i wonder whats for lunch over there. must be smt good. lol
i was reading sherlene's blog.. her latest post made me teary... i miss her :( dont worry la.. we'll all turn legal soon.. just 3 more years? =D emancipation of Sherlene. hahah
read it at:
i better get going. cant blog nowadays.. now i know why Bisma doesnt update her blog frequently. if ure busy, u just dont feel like blogging. whoa that tells me that i have soo much time that i could even blog EVERYDAY!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
- cant remember what happened in sch cept that we watched Extras in Media
- ballet.. did splits, had to stretch my legs 90 degrees. hamstrings painful
- cancelled piano class coz to busy
- voice chat with samuel,lannie,bawen and mag in a convo. hahah teasing each other.
- slept at like 9 for the first time in a sch night history.
- finally the Transformation,Reflection,Rotation bit was over... we moved on to looking for areas and circles =D
- Recorded 1 piece of Baroque music, and 1 contemporary music piece
- rahmi,popi and pit came to my hse for photoshoot....... took pictures for media cwk
- took more pictures after they left
- chat with Maggie abt cyclone lol
- sch just fine.... screwed up in practical (chemistry) i thought the pipette contained water but it actually contained Phatophelien whatever shit, a pH indicator. THen i thought it was ok, i used the pipette to take the solution from the stock bottle. *seriously, that was dumb, shudve poured the solution into a beaker THEN, use the pipette* so the whole solution turned purple. mr vardy threw it away. thank god he wasnt mad. but i wonder what he was thinking
- ballet class,, MANAGED TO BALANCE THE REMOTE CONTROL ON MY ANKLE!! almost there to being superflexi it was coool! at least its something i can do that atika cant :) atika, u cant balance the remote on ur ankle MUAHAHAHHA!!! i can(A)
- spent an hr trying to tell uzair what i wanted to do. *sigh* he nearly gave up. and ahmed a told me to use powerpoint instead. pfft. lol
- FINISHED MY MEDIA CWK at like 11 pm. baddie. pls can mr williams not read this.
- quadraple science wasnt that bad :) on the 3rd lesson, we went to mrs vardy's room and sang her Happy Birthday. she was soo suprised... hahahaa
- maths was cooooooooooollll i love maths
- prefect meeting. pfft same old same old.
- gave Ms OSullivan the HR numbr for Sheraton =D i think we're gonna have a trip there!
- taught rebecca Fur Elise. FYI, Fur Elise is the song i played for my first piano recital.. good old days. her sight reading has improved. thank godd i dnt think i can bare with the wrong note presssing.
- aerobics. dammn HARDCORE. we had to like jump and mambo and sway it was so hard. i couldnt breathe. but then by exhaling out it helped me in the end
- voice chat with bawen. he thinks the rock songs i listen to is boring.
- dinner at dakhira with za boys and girls of course. gosh dont remind me. LOL now im hungry i din eat much.
ok guys. i better go.. i wanna watch the Holiday by cameron diaz. :D good movie i heard.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
sigh i feel like crying seeing Christmas 2006's pic. we all looked so happy in the pics. hahaha
so yea 1st of June was the Gawai Celebration for the Sarawakians in Qatar.
whats Gawai? ah erm. its a celebration that the Dayaks celebrate after the paddy harvesting season. what's Dayak? Dayak refers to the non-muslim population in Sarawak. the name Dayak was given by the British when they colonised Sarawak, Malaysia in WWII. i think my facts are wrong, dont blame me coz i dont learn Malaysian since 1st june 1957, the Gawai Festival is a public holiday for all the ppl in Sarawak. besides the Agung's bday. Agung meaning King of Malaysia -_-"
im a Dayak(A) coz im an Iban =D iban... well yea is the many races in Malaysia. so is Jasz and christie.
so what did we do?
i went to Jasz's hse at 4 pm on thurs. blabla hang arnd the hse for awhile. helped call KFC -_-" hahahah erm. christie and millie's fam came at 6 i think. so we helped out in the kitchen, yes, we did. christie and i scooped the mini lil cake from the mini lil cups. for msians, i bet you know 'Kuih Apam' yeah we scooped that thing. we're good girls. ill upload the pics once i got the pic from Millie.
then got dressed. then it was dinner.
my mum made roasted lamb with honey. and erm jasz's mum made laksa and so many other stufffs!!
even i forgot what the menu for the night was.
ok right so after dinner we went into jasz room and start taking random pics. after that jasz's dad called us to serve wine to the adults. its like a tradition, u have to serve wine to the older ones i dnt know what for. good luck perhaps? hope so!xD
and jasz asked this really blonde ques to millie : "how do we know if its red wine or white wine"
after serving wine, we decided to drink a sip of wine (A) jasz and christie are like so omg-ish. they just drank the wine in one go. i wonder how it tastes like that. must be painful. hurts the throat. yuck wine. i liked the White wine. tastes like perrier water. but with alcohol.
why does alcohol tastes yucky? but anyways, read on and ull see the effect of the yummy white wine.
so yeah after that, we watched Pledge on my laptop. the cheap movie with Paris Hilton. or in my own words, the pre-porn-movie-that-gave-me-nightmares =)
the movie is soo crapp!!! why did we even wtch it in the first place?
then 12 am striked, we had to all go out for the toast. soo during the toast u have to go ""OooooooooooooooooooHAaaaaaaaaaa" its a tradition (yet again) and wish everybody happy gawai
and u could drink wahtever u wanna. adults drank wine and i drank coca cola. which also did smt to my body system.
then we did the long dance! yet again, a tradition.
someone leads the dance... of course traditional dance. erm yeah so you have to follow from the back. like a cuchoo train.
christie,jasz, millie and i joined then after that we went to watch the movie again.
i was too sleeeppy i watched for another 10 mins then slept. the parents slept at like 4 am. thank god no one got drunk. hahah
the next morning, jasz and christie told me that i had nightmares and i screamed in my dream. SIGH. according to the 3 girls, i was screaming "WHATS THIS?!"
lolneess.yeah blame the preporn movie. that movie just kept showing some old lady's tits.
so in the morning as soon as we all woke up, we ate the leftovers. i ate laksa. Yumm
jasz and i planned to go to shit centre to watch movies. but we know tht our parents are so tired so we might as well dont ask them coz theyre gonna say no anyways..
christie and millie went home earlier coz they have to go to church later in the evening for Confirmation =)
as for today, i shall call christie, CATHERINE.
me and jasz were like so damn bored we started recording our voices singing to songs. ill wait for her to upload it to imeem. so u shall laugh at it.
then erm we did evil stuffs =) lol. no comment. i wish to tell but naaa!
so yeah time passes by so slowly. we ate lunch at 3 pm. (A)
then after tht u know.. hahahah we decided to make like a british drama. gawd. us and our accent. we made it like an old lady making a big fuss abt her niece. sigh if only it was recorded.
we performed in front of Catherine and Millie. they laughed. wee~ and then Catherine started her irish accent. hahaha Millie din wanna do her australian accent. =(
then we went to bennigans for dinner.
like 2 hrs after that bennigans ran out of power supplly. i got so scared. imagine if it was a threat. u never know. the building could just explode anytime.
half an hr later, we all went home. =) the end.
ok i better go this is a rather long post. i got english essay to finish. SIGHS.the never ending tasks.