Saturday, March 31, 2007
ill be on a look-out!
ive been called a "Nenek", (grandma - in english) for not updating my blog for like only 2 days? haiya u, u know i have busy schedules, i have to perform in gigs and do autograph signing sessions. LOL.
I WISH!! imagine. if i was a superstar... *dreams*
ok. muneeb was whining about smt. *winks*. only u and i know. =) hahaha happy now? now u owe me smt. muahahahahahaha
muneeb muneeb muneeb muneeb. LOL......
my stomach's grumbling. its almost 10. i shall not hunt for food its not healthy to eat late at night. ill just stick drinking LOADS Of water.
u know, jasz always forget to keep her stuffs in her handbag! everytime she comes to my house she'll defintaely leave something behind. first was the camera, 2nd time was the shades, and now its her headband.
what else should i rant abt?
HMM. hahah
OMG MY MEDIA COURSEWORK. almost to an end!!!!!
i shall stop right here. ill write more tomoz. I PROMISE!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
i just finished watching the Tyra Banks show. it was about SKINCARE!!!!! score!
tyra banks REVEALED her beauty secret.
she uses Vaseline as her face cream! thats why its smooth.... and i did just a bit of research.. that Vaseline also removes eyebags! =D so i shall.....use it
and INTERESTING bit was...
the guest, a dermatologist.. showed the audience how to squeeze pimples the CORRECT WAY. if u use ur fingers to squeeze it, theres gonna be a pimple mark. u dont want ur face to look like "craters of the moon"
regina, i bet u know EXACTLY who i call moon crater face(A) u shut up.LOL guys.. dont u wish u know who it is?
here are the steps:
- WASH YOUR HANDS! - hygeine ppl!
- GET TWO COTTON-BUDS. CUTEX whatever u call it
- then SQUEEZE!!! until this icky liquid comes out.
what else what else.
%$%$^%$%^$#^# media coursework is due in BEFORE the end of term. ok im alright with it but but but but. NVM i actually have no excuse.because.. i did all my planning its just the matter of taking the photos. did the text in speech bubbles, those onomatopeia thingy, and blablablablala. just the photos and evaluation. besides my Procrastinating disease. ill be there. im sure i will. HAHAH
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I Know U Might Think Im Crazy
i jst finishd recording my voice for Azam's podcast.
what did i say? not much its just ... " oh hello there, im rachel. tune in to... azam's podcast"
yeah so nice of me kan, im helping a friend out.
not tryna boast or anything, but i always help my friends. =)
i havent been posting for so long ey? no worries,just 4 days prob.
last night, i went to the ABBA Mamma Mia Musical Drama Show. its sooo gd!!
the seats were like soo spacious..... coz ure supposed to dance! sarai, marianne,mr & mrs sheperd and i danced towards the end. =D fun ness.
i did not take any pictures because
1. my camera ran out of freakin battery. screw those stuffs. i remember i charged it!
2. we werent allowed to take picture. - this guy tried to take picture, but then the authority lasered on him. well not laser but u know those red light stuff.
at the end of the show, i got the actresses' autograph =D not many ppl were at the toilet area, coz they went home.. and the exit of the actresses was near the toilet. so yeah. score! =D
im missing kickboxing later. =( coz im playing piano for the Yr 5 Production -thank u very much =s
the Ruskies came back 3 days ago. when regina came... i ran up to her and hugged her as soon as she came out of the car!!! me and yona. dang. we were so hyper to see her. LOL nadia came to sch the next day.. and we hugged her too! she gave me strawberry chocolate YUMMMMY....
ever wondered why Mary Kate has pouty lips????
its because.. her lip gloss has this EXTRA LIP PLUMPING TREATMENT.
i tried sarai's lipgloss. and it was a lip plumping treatment and omg my lips became like.. pouty by itself. i find it rather cool. *winks*
boring ah!
im gonna fall asleep....... but i better make this post worth it for my readers. thats if i have any. sure i do. =)
oh oh u know right......... i cant wait till my bday!!!!!!! 15 yrs old. but anyways ppl.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Good Girl
my parents are out. and im supposed to get ready to go to doha coz theyre gonna pick me up any minute soon.
yet.. im still typing? why? because my hair is still wet. u know its not gd to blowdry when ur hair is still wet. encourages split ends xD
house patio. SIGH. lol i havent got the front door picture. wanna see my room??
ick. whats with the layered fringe. hahahah back then, i din care abt fashion. i mean like cmon an 11 yr old wouldnt really care abt fashion. hahaha
dang. im supposed to get ready. better go chow chin chow.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
i swear i got nth to type abt.
i just woke up at 7pm
beauty sleep we call it
cept i had soo many dreams.
one was abt my comic coursework. that it was that bad till i got "Ungrade". it made the examiner furious and so he tore my work.
and then another one was that i was in this mall i went into the fitting room then suddenly i entered another world which was like 80 yrs ago. war and stuff. SCARY.
then another dream was that theres an elephant in my house. =S
lol. weird dreams. yet i can still continue sleeping =)
i shall make my post interesting.
i like.........................................
- oriental food -chinese cuisine,thailand,MALAYSIAN, singaporean
- clothes
- earings
- music - rnb and alt rock
- hot guys - nice,funny etc etc LOL
- kickboxing
- dancing
- talking
- laughing
- electronic gadgets
- hairdressing
- cars
- St.Columba Secondary School
- caramel
- strawberry cheesecake ice cream
- Channing Tatum
- picture-taking
- blogging
ok something just occured in my mind.
what is it? i dnt really know.
but i used this examination board for my piano grades before having to choose SUCKY ABRSM. yuck. suckss. OMG im researching it now
and trinity has ROCKSCHOOL EXAMINATION. whoaaaaaaaa meaning u can form a rock band examiners are gonna asess u and and omg u might get to go to the College itself and be a rockstar!
i mean omg! trinity is sooo coool!!!!!they have it in dubai they should have one in Qatar. wahhhhhhh. listen to these recording -piano -piano - guitar - guitar. THIS ONE IS SO GD!
i better stop or ill go on crapping
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Do Re Mi
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
my head hurts. and my eyes too.
just got back from L'Orchestra. it was ok.. the songs were not bad and the musicians are gd! lovee the violinists!
we had PE today. and we did high jump. *sigh* i suck so bad. obviously that sport aint ma thing.
last night, i was chatting to Hisyam and Rodney. ive known Hisyam since Year 1. we never actually talked.. we just know each other coz i think we were in the same class from yr 1 to like yr 3?
and one interesting fact was he remembers me as rachel the mean prefect. HAAHAHAH why? coz i write ppl's names if they dont listen to my command. like lining up on the way to assembly, not doing class duties like cleaning the board or pickin up the rubbish if i tell them too(A)
we chat about the GIRLS
lol... hes so big headed that he thinks hes hotter than his bro. well i think his bro is hot. so Hisyam, SEND MY REGARDS TO UR BRO again *winks* u know u want to.
and then Hisyam told me about Sharvel. i didnt know that Sharvel is in the Science school!! he mustve done well in UPSR. gawsh im soo out of date. adam never updates me abt sharvel.. his fault. =)
i was chatting to Rodney too. well i met him in this Tuition Centre we both went. LOL. it was UPSR.. also known as (SATS) so u know i was pretty weak in my Bahasa that i needed tutoring. and same for maths and science. but not english coz im FINE ;)
so rodney and i practically meet every night from 7pm-9pm. TUITION TUITION. yes. fun fun. nerd mode EVERYNIGHT~. well.. i remember once, i spat my drink on his shirt when i heard Hazen's father sneezed. and we used to like argue abt answers. SO LAME yaaaaaaaaa
the weird thing is, everytime when i meet Rodney in the malls, he hesitates to greet me. HMPH. the only way we say hi is by GLARING at each other. lol. even until today! wait, did i meet him last summer? but in the tuition centre, rodney goes wild! hahahah
good times... good times..
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Walkin arnd in circles
i was chatting to Nadia and Regina my cool babes a while ago.
thank god, they arrived in Russia safely =D i envy them though - check it out
i was out the whole day... where to?
first we ate at the food court.intended to eat at the new Chinese Restaurant, called the Wok Of Fame. the chinese cuisine is based on eastern china cooking style. soo it should be similar to home. back home, the Hokkiens and Foochows are the most popular. but then.. we din know where it was so we ended up eating McDonalds.
then... we went into Pumpkin Patch coz marisa wanted to see the clothes. and my mum and i went to monsoon, but nth attractive caught my eye. the price of the clothes was a major turn off. well duh and plus its like.. a UK brand. dont quite fancy it coz of the colours. theyre just so DULL. but accesorize is COOL though. if u like have QR50 and above to spend for Earings, necklaces etc.
but I DIDNT INTEND TO BUY EARINGS. my earing fetish is OK now. unlike last time, i told myself that i HAVE to buy a pair of earings EVERYTIME i go out. doesnt that sound ridiculous? and plus ive got more than enough weee~
went into H&M. WHATS SO GD ABT IT?! its the most DEPRESSING PLACE TO SHOP. i swear.
whats with the big size shirts?!?!?! and uglyy style clothes? its like... urghhh so hard to find clothes!
my definition of ugly style clothes are
- dark purple shirt with stars?
- sleeveless top with sneakers graphic on?
- checkers with skulls? WTF...
- half-jacket. I MEAN THATS SO YESTERDAY. if u read Seventeen Magazine March issue, it tells us that half-jackets are out of fashion.
theres much more but i kinda forgot what they are.
see right.. i was looking for a polka dots shirt. but =( it was for 11-12 yrs old!!!
and holy holy the clothes are like siz 6 and above. UNLESS u search carefully, u could find size 4. or S. EVEN SO, size S was still big for me. i had to look for XS.
lets see... i tried.. 8 tops? esther was nearly crying. coz she wanted to go to Virgin of the top i tried was size S. but it was sooo pretty!!! pastel colours. unfortunately it was too long and kinda big.
did i buy smt in despite these "challenging moments?" YES i bought a black top.
SHIT i just went off to get the black top and my polka dots bandana headband!! WHERE IS IT?!ahhh its in the receipt BUT IT AINT HERE.
I KNEW THERE WAS SMT WRONG WITH H&M. GREAT NOW I HAVE TO CALL THEM. but my parents dont really care abt it =S so i shuldnt anywyas. its like 19 riyals. hmm shud i care? BUT I PLANNED TO USE IT TO SCH TOMORO!GRRRRR
oh well. and i bought a tshirt in bershka. i could never fail to not by anything from there. =D coz i LOVE bershka. that hot salesguy.... sighs. what a gd way of asking girls to buy stuff from the shop. hes so fine! lol
ill continue tomoz. i have to sleep
Friday, March 16, 2007
we have cone shaped heads! thanks to the wind =D
lol.....boredom + camera +wind = that picturo.
ok this just occured in my mind, but Qatar should do smt abt preserving the heritage. they should sooo get rid of those dangerous stuff, and at least make like a resting challet for travellers which includes lil pieces of glasses+rusty nails free environment. and a toilet of course.
i needa sleep. ill post more pics, i just needa get it from mi papito's camarero hahaha weeeheee
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I Feel..Special!
maybe when your here, i can make you feel like the luckiest girl alive
yuSuf.adam II[] says:
dont take it the wrong way tho
FYI PPL, THIS WAS TAKEN AT 1 PM. see how depressing the weather is. and look at the sky! its BROWN!
im so....hyped up! - yes i wrote that earlier on.
im soo proud of myself. weee~
its the lamest reason to be proud over of but ill just tell u guys for the sake of having a long post.
it was in english. when we first entered the lesson, Mrs Baranda played this really awful song. sounded like 1940's oldies.
she told us to open the back page of our notebooks & listen to the song.
as soon as the song finishd, she told us that it was Free Writing.
i was absolutely blank!!!! so i started of my paragraph like this:
" I have nothing to say at all though im still writing abt it?" ... then i forgot the rest of the paragraph and i did mention abt myself wanting to laugh because M.A peekd through my writing and he laughd abt it. =P
ok that did not make any sense. hahahahahahah oh well. nvm. just blabbering right here. im signd out on msn already anyways. so im pretty much... bored though im sleepy. i cant sleep now. kickboxing starts at 5.
ok thats it for today. ill post tomoro hopefully with MORE PICTURES. coz ill be going to the...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
being sleepy is rather ANNOYING. coz u yawn for like every 10 secs.
however, for the sake of my loyal readers, ill update the blog. and also, ive got tons of things to type abt, so before i forget might as well type it here. yeah, sad i know.
so many funny things happened in sch.
too much laughing. i swear.
laughing best medicine, but its a pain in the tummy. LOL
now i forgot what to say. got carried away for abt 10 mins(A)
sighs things back in StColumba secondary gets scandalous day by day. i really wanna see this girl, see how far she can go on with those hot guys. LOL dammit. mummy get me an airticket to go bck to miri! i dnt wanna go to kuala lumpur!
so wht happend in science was we had to conduct an experiment.
mr lochhead was telling abt safety measures we shud consider when handling a hot test tube
hes like...
" dont walk arnd holding the test tubes with ur hands. place them in the rack"
so well regina, aruba and saba were like.. asking how the hell do we get the test tubes to the rack then?
im like " yeahhh thats what i thought"
being silly, i asked him..
"mr locchhead, how do we get the test tube to the rack? do we use THONGS? er tongs?"
he laughed and answered "no u dont need tongs"
the girls were giggling! soo embarassing. grrrrrr TONGS rachel not THONGS. thnk god the guys were like on the other side of the room. thank god
OH OH! grrr. some ppl just pisses me off sometimes.
though its like none of my business to get mad at her but STILL.
in one of the lessons, this girl took a guy's sitting place. and u know that table is RIGHT behind me. so basically whatever she says to her best friend, i could hear it and its really annoying just listening to her yakking away.
yona and charlotte told her to move to her original seat, and so did the guy himself. but pfft. NOOOOOO she wouldnt move her ugly ass
OMG what if she prints this blog im so dead.
and i told her to move too... coz seriously, being arnd her is like intimidating though she does me no harm.
i swear. she speaks a whole lot of bs. and talks to much to get attention
if i was the guy, i would go like MOVE IT. then tell the teacher then could MAYBE at least get her name written on the board for break's detention (A)
sighs to the person. just because u have the courage to speak up unlike others, dont think ure gonna get away with it easily. not with me that im sure =) id like to see u try though.
Monday, March 12, 2007
5 things I Want In Him
lynn hes hot hes hot! yeah i cant get over it. but seriously man, he was the guy in sch, whom i used to think was hot but never could find out what his name was. BUT HES HOT coz i saw his pic in jerome's profile =D his hair.. his style.. omg. ceh now i sound like im the one faling in love with him.
and hes nice! he'll take care of u. i have faith in him. winks!
.... buzz.
im so dead if lynn reads this. ahahah! im just so proud of u!
damn u lynn. u make me miss! :'(
fffff! shit u know, my wireless disconnected me on msn!
talking abt the science exam
chemistry was tricky.
like wayy tricky. :( like the chromotograph thingy! how was i even supposed to know that. it wasnt in the textbook, nor the booklet. and the teacher din even tell us abt it!
ppl whats a eurasian plate? i knwo eurasians(A) but eurasian plate? =S
retail therapy this weekend!
NEW CLOTHES purfavor.
*checks purse*
*ooo la la! ive got more than enough! (h)
im soooo tired.but im so hyped up. lynn made me hyper.
omg that chinese girl! omg omg shes got like hot exs! even i dont know abt this. - not like it was ever my business anyway
i thought she would like date those weird chinese guys BUT omg ! her exs are like hotter than mine! this is an offense!OMG omg im gonna die!
but hey.. looks are like not important compared to their personality. not AS important i mean(A)
ok 5 things i want in a guy are : -
1. has a gd fashion sense - guys u might think this is gay but heh. i like guys with gd fashion sense. button up long sleeves shirt (untuckd) with jeans...prefrebaly white button up long sleeves with thin light blue stripes.
ahh hot with messy collar style. and sneakers.
i like guys who wears wristbands. or u know those bulldog collar thingy on their wrist? SO HOT!
ok that might sound so.. formal. for casual wear.. i like guys who wears simple tshirts and jeans. or big stripes on polo shirt with jeans. dark green and black or sky blue and black. perfect combination + oversized shades. and white sneakers. SHIT.. so hot
2. gd hairstyle! - japanese guys have the best hairstyle ever! layered and spiked up into waves. (if u know what i mean by waves) like they spike it.. instead of having the spiked hair straight up, it bends abit to the left or to the right. as in MESSY STYLE! ah guys i hope u know what i mean
the salesguy in Bershka is the perfect example of my ideal hairstyle for a guy.
3. sweet personality - i want a guy who makes me blush and laugh. i want him to check up on me so i could tell him that he doesnt have to worry abt me (A).lol sigh that reminded me of smt.
4. money - dont get me wrong. im not a " golddigger" or smt but i wouldnt wanna go on a date with a guy whos pocket/wallet is completely empty or has like 2 bucks left. na ah. not that im rich either, its just.. i dnt know.. but anyways ive never dated a guy having economical probs so ya.
5. GOOD LOOKING! - he has to look good. he has to be hot IN MY EYES not urs. LOL and he has to be good looking from the inside too.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Laughters of joy
both my earphones are spoiled. and my laptop speaker has gone cuckoo. sighs my laptop needs "speaker fixing". only resolution is to.. bring the portable speaker in my room and bring it to the computer table.
... but how am i gonna listen to music in my room?
this is when creative thinking does it's job.
my my.. rahmi was overly-talkative in the morning. she even got the guts to tell mr tafazoli that he looks like roger the dodger!!

thats one thing.
moving on, Mr t told the class that theres gonna be 10 yr ten students going to indonesia to help build a sch
only 2 indos are allowed to come though.
i hope they know im not an indo (A) coz i really wanna do society work. ive never been thru hard times like that where u gotta stand under the sun and build smt.. but heh.. i dnt think ill get chosen.
after break, it was
laughs out loud. everyone was like so determined to learn all the notes! it was silent..
towards the end.. smt funny happened
rahmi asked mr noone the diff between independant variable,dependant and control... soo..
while he was explaining.. he was telling her that independnt variable is things that u change during experiment.
so then..he asked regina if she was ok. instead of saying yes.. she put the palm of her hands together at her cheeks and gave a cheeky smile.
so FREAKY. i laughed so bad!!
then rahmi asked what thermosoftening polymer and thermosetting polymer was.
i was listening very carefully to his explanation. then hes like.. touching regina's highlighter and u know what.. she kissed the the highlighter! and i think mr noone saw it.
and i just sat there laughing and laughing.. rahmi and zainab too. i could also hear aruba, saba, and nadia giggling from the other table because of the same reason. HAHAH
lol regina's famous for having a "crush" on mr noone. not a real crush, its like a joking-crush, perhaps she made it to make herself happy or smt. its funny to see her expressions when she talks abt mr noone. LOL
tomoro's the Modular Exams!
im more than half ready. MORE THAN HALF. yeap MORE THAN HALF. ;) wth.. that sentence doesnt even make sense.
ok i dnt wanna be typing like an old crappy computer. im out. ciao ppl
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hady Mirza-You Give Me Wings
its hady mirza. singapore idol's winner.
i love this song its so inspirational
Nerd Mode
explains why i havent been blogging for a couple of days.
and besides, im just lazy to blog
i realised that my blog's so plain. hmph. no pictures, plain background. just texts. aint that boring.
ill TRY to make it as interesting as possible coz hey, even i dont read posts without pictures or some colours. =P
yesterday was a whole lot of fun. well... it was supposed to be Nerd Day , but it turned out to be Gossip Day - just spice it up with laughs and voila! Gossip Day
well.. regina sexy momma organised a study group for us girls, the science students. well i just brought like a notepad and a pen and physics textbook. while the rests brought their science folders o_O
ok. and so i went to the Al waha. i wasnt into the "nerd mode" at that time so what the heck. i just started sitting on the couch, looking at the girls reading the book. and so, i was like... saying to everyone.. im gonna have chicken sandwich whos gonna come with me? and so popi and fitria came *thank god*
so i got the sandwich delivered to the table, i had a great time eating while the rests were like studying. but then.. i was bored so i distracted regina first. she was the easiest! LOL gossip gossip.
then it was rahmi.. then it was vidia. then right.. towards the end.. no one actually studied, coz we were all having "gossip" time. everyone was having "tea" i suppose (A).
fun fun. i laughed alot i tell u. i thought i was supposed to study, but then i just couldnt concentrate. oh well. it was fun. HAHAHHA
blablablablabla. someone's chatting to me. grr blog-posting distractor. hes so boring somemore.. dont u wish u know who he is? =P LOL.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
he passed his effin flu and cough to me.
GRRRR. well he was explaining stuffs to me abt substituing formula into another term.
and now look. the pathogens are passed onto me!
ive been doing science revision the whole day today.
*what a tiring day*
and something cracked me up in science.
it was a question in the past paper. and aruba apparently din know what this word meant.
the question was
"why does the wind turbine have to be erected away from the sea?"
so she was like..mrs radcliff.. what does erected mean?
i was like laughing and i saw regina laughing and rahmi was like all serious, controling herself from laughing. and the boys started smiling. LOL
it was hilarious...!!!
yona din come to sch today... bisma too.
omg... my throat hurts soo bad..
guess what. this girl ive known from my old sch is coming to qatar. wait coreection. SHES HERE.
omg. this is so not cool
i hate her. i used to laugh at sherlene coz sherlene had to deal with all her behaviour
and now. tsk tsk shes closer to me, geographically.
im so sleepy, but theres no point in taking a nap... coz.. kickboxing's in like an hrs' time
an hr is usually not enough for me.
ouch my throat hurts. ima go get a drink
i better go.
or ill die of boredom
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Painful la!
i have been limping all day long today.
my thighs are in great pain. due to the sprinting lesson for PE. grr.
as far as i know, egit,fitria, natasha,charli and even Lala are going thru the same pain. =(
and i was complaining abt it all day. today's the only day where i have to walk the furthest to every lesson. u see, first lesson was PSE. we had to go to the comp lab near the library which is like.. far? then after PSE we had maths and the maths department is like the other side of the sch? then we had break. so i just sat down. then we had business, then after business i have to walk all the way to english which is like the other side of sch. huwa.. then in english we had to walk to the computer lab.
HOLY SHIT!! LOOK AT THIS! nd then a url goes with it
and now my computer's sending the msg to the other msger contacts of mine.
GREAT. virus
am in no mood to write now. soz
Monday, March 5, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
in my heart i was like, cant i just give the URL of my blog and im all done for the day??
makes sense, coz blog posts are like diary entries except its not really personal.
OMG.. imagine if it would work that way, i wouldnt have to bother writing abt " Everything I Miss"
well ill be writing about what i miss back home coz that was thee second thing that occured to me. why? coz first i wrote abt Esmee Denters on how she got a record deal by posting videos of herself singin on youtube. i wasnt passionate abt writing it. though ive got loads of ideas. so i was like.. hmph ill write abt how it was like when i found out that i was gonna leave for this *stinky place*
darnit ive got homeworks.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Allee Justine!!
its been ages since i last bloggd.
until regina was like
"rach! update ur blog" and i said ... "later.. im malas right now"
ah now i have completely forgot what i wanted to type.
coz vicki said hi to me on IM and his dp is.. hot. LOL
yay justine henin vs who? tomoro!!!
i hope im going. but its Saturday. sighs i wish theres no sch the next day
i shud so go to bed now coz... i have to go to church in the morning
yesterday.. was fun
i met like a few tennis players but i dont know who their names are.
martina hingis was one of em. but i din get to see her upclose. only managed to take pics with 3 players. but i dont know who the hell they are
and the pics look pretty horrible. HAHAHAH
and i met Dahlia and Illyeen.. fellow malaysians..
dahlia is SO.. how to say.. Nathaniel-freak.
and yeen's SO..gino/dino freak
and me and jasz were like.. Pink shirt guy freak. YES pink shirt. hes a real man.
and christie's like... (a) i-shall-not say freak.
shame.. millie wasnt even there
haha u know i caught a few sickos tryna take pictures of the player's butt while they bend down.
sighs... so desperate eh
anyways i better go. i needa sleep