to nadia: ooiiiii u!!! kita orang kat sini rindu gilerrrr le ngan u! sombong dah ni har, tak pi online pon! bawa cenderamata for me ya? jgn kedekutt laaa =) "kuai dian hui lai!" "kuai tien aa!" see i can speak chinese too =)
to bisma: BISMA!!!!!! u u u u u u u! stop making me jealous! ure overthere already!come back come back! i misssssssss uuuu
to regina: SEXY MOMMAAAAAAA!!!!!! cepatlah pulang! so boring without u in class. i need some laughing therapy. COME BACK. 
darn i dnt have bisma's pic. i will. one day take a candid shot of her (6)
things are sooo different without these 3 girls. i swear i miss them. girls, u gotta thank me for dedicating my post for you guys!
regina is like.... the cheerful one. she makes EVERYBODY laugh. her catwalk move. LOL. and her hiphop accent. lol.. and her ultimate affection for noone.
bisma is like the best partner in crime =) in maths (h) we bully regina. =D and shes so talkative mr rogers had to interrupt us sometimes
and nadia! hahahaha she has loads of stories. and very informative i shall say. and shes the only one who would talk to me in bahasa malaysia. with the accent and slang and all!!! nadia, thanks to u, i think im more fluent in bahasa indo now that ure away for a week :@ :@ baboon la u!
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