- couldnt access Blogger, something's wrong with it. thankfully the page loaded just now.
- super busy. and i mean busy.
my life's so dramatic these days. reallly.
i was pissed, so being absent minded, i slammed it. ok it was fine. shut it down before i went to bed, and the next day, my mouse didnt work. so took off the laptop battery, and then it became fcknly slow! ok that was alright. continued on with my work.
then, just got annoyed with the fact that its slow... i restart it. AND POOF. my laptop went back to its original settings. and i LOST EVERYTHIING.
songs, english cwk, maths cwk.
I THOUGHT MY MEDIA CWK IS GONE! i ran a search on the hard disk thank god! i was able to save them in my thumb drive.
my pictures dissapeared.
dang. all those pictures......... i dnt have a camera,now i dnt even have pictures. joy~
i shudnt be blogging now. im supposed to be finish off my Maths Coursework due in on Sunday, my Chemistry test on Sunday, my Physics test on Thurs, my English essay due in on Sunday.
u know yesterday, i was tryna do my chemistry revision at abt 3:30 pm. I was like so in the mood for studying. an hr later, i thought i needed a nap.
guess what time i woke up, i woke up at 7:30am this morning!
and my head doesnt hurt at all!! guys, if ure having troubles sleeping, dont take sleeping pills. all u need to do is tire urself for the whole week.
that is my first time sleeping for over 12 hours. 16.30 pm - 07.30 amAMAZING. and im still sleepy now.. coz i just got back from Al Khor. My mum was sending her cake for her friend's 25th wedding annivesary.. yeap.. she made the cake and decorated it. its ironic how my mum can be creative. LOL never thought she is anyway. its coz i know that she cant draw. LOL. just like me~ -why, thanks mum. -_-"
i really miss staying in Al Khor. its diff.. compared to stayin in doha. its like.. u can walk arnd get some fresh air, away from the traffic. the traffic here, I SWEAR, its HELL ON EARTH. u can see 2 lane road becoming a 3 lane road! crazzy! i wish i had a camera. *sigh*
does anyone know a good laptop? i checked those ones in Carrefour theyre mainly the ones from late 2006. i need a new one. but still browsing. and plus still gotta convince mum. she said too much money's spent on me this year. geez.. just coz someone stole my freakin camera. its not as if i was gonna give it to them for free. i shudve gave them my laptop or smt. at least that way, i can save my pictures, courseworks in my thumbdrive or ipod or smt. then just give it to the fckin stealer. instead of stealing my new camera.
i so feel like launching a report right now. i think i shud. since ive got skype in my dad's laptop. whoever that kargo fckin dude is, hes gonna be sory for wht hes done. i hope he does. its ramadan anyway. i bet its some yucky looking homosapien. no offense. gosh i sound horrible.. LOL.
ps: blogger publishes my post 1 day later.. so yeaa just bear with it. i might change my blogsite soon.