Dr Burke proposed to Christina! well of course she din expect it because they havent been talking to each other for weeks!
George proposed to Callie... after she refused to have sex with him. lol
i love the show so much! its sooo cool.. ive always loved medical drama. when i was small i watched ER. and i still remember, my mum used to say it was EstherRachel. pfft. lol i used to watch X Files too! Love Sally's boyfriend. i forgot his name.. now those kinda series dont appeal to me anymore.
i went to check out the Grey's Anatomy website on ABC.com. and i took this Grey's Diagnosis quiz.. and then see which character in the show is similar to me.
and... mine is.. Meredith Grey!! and it tells me why im similar to her.
"You're Meredith. You don't always make the right choices, but you get points for trying, bouncing right back and starting it over. For being so "dark and twisty" you have a sunny outlook on life. You're quick to jump into new relationships and quick to jump out of it too."
well.. do i agree on that statement that quiz made?
erm... kinda.. maybe 8/10. yes, i am always happy and looking forward for whats coming next in my life. yes im quick to jump into new relationships. and jump out of it too. hahahah i get over a guy fast. trust me. i dnt go cry a river or gooo all desperate apologizing or whatever. if i know its over, i move on -FAST.plus, not as if there isnt any hotter guys in the world. right?lol. jk. coz life's too short to live. hahah
i went for kickboxing today. woooots. did really well!! but then when i got back home, pizza hut was for dinner. dammit. lol. then i ate an apple just to like balance it up. right now im drinking loads of water. 6 glasses tonight. at least.
so after kickboxing, i sat in front of the Waha gym..the snooker area.. whatever u call that place. coz M.a,ahmed a, shreya and uzair was there. so me and nadia had a lil chat with shreya and uzair. while the other two were in the gym working out.
while talking.. omg omg shreya's friend came. he just got back from Canada. OH MYGOD. SOOO EFFINN HOT. he looks like... lebanese mix latino or smt? SERIOUSLY HOT! when shreya was tlaking to him... i was like spelling the word hot in malay to nadia.
" nadia.. aduhh... tgk tu.. P-A-N-A-S!!!!!!!"
in english " nadia.. dammmnn.. look at him.. H-O-T!!"
and i kept repeating that same thing for like 8 times?coz shreya was like having a 2mins chat with him. NOT FAIR. his dressing up was like a model. dammit. and his hair? wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorta like beckham's... but its also kinda like.. fernando torres's. how hot is that.
i could tell that i was blushing coz my cheeks were like feeling hot. and my fingers were cold! what a shame. hes only here for holiday. he just came 2 days ago. dammit. SO FCKIN HOT.
i wanted to like wave at him justnow. but then i was too shy. seriously, i wanted to. =( well itll be nice to just wave, then at least he has a gd impression of me. (A) DAMMIT. SO HOT MAN.
is he a model?? gawd. i forgot his name. it was too weird. Survar? better not mess arnd with hot guy's name. ok enough abt hot guy. coz right now, i regret for not waving :( or saying hi.
soo i was giving Rebecca piano lessons before i left for kickboxing. yay! she can play the Minuet in G song i taught her last week!!!! im so proud of her. so today.. i was really strict. because her sight reading is poor. well she could read the notes but yet she pressed a diff key on the piano keys. so what i did was....
"Rebecca, i want to hear an A from your right hand and i want to hear a C from ur left hand"
so at first she took her time. then im like FASTER FASTER ur running out of time.
now i want a G and a B. quickly!
then after that... she could look for the keys quickly, and correctly!! omg im so proud of her..
i taught her a new song.. i hope she can play that precisely.
and i had to be like a Metronome. counting the beats for her. she plays so slowly and carefully. im not that kinda pianist. so i snap my fingers and count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and. LOL... sometimes i tap the piano stool. and she seems to enjoy the beat.
to teach a lil kid, u have to praise them a lot. so everytime Rebecca gets the beat right or hits the right note, i go " Well Done!" or "Good Job". hhaahah its fun teaching.. but its a big challenge. coz its really annoying when some ppl play simply by just hitting the wrong notes and then pause coz they know they did it. and then they try to figure out what note that is.tsk tsk. boring i tell u.
not to boast or anything, but i dnt play wrong notes(A) the only time i get wrong notes is if my finger slips from a black key to a white key. or when i need to jump to another key. my main problem is my fingering. if i get my fingering right, i can play it perfectly. muahahaha. mrs miles said that my sight reading is incredible! =D *smiles*
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