i woke up at 9 yesterday. abit late but heh. shh. Aunty Beatrice came over to send some Banana fritters and Dates Fritters. datesss fritters. that was my first time eating it. tastes ok, but i loveeeeee the banana fritters.
tastes like the ones the hawkers sell at the little stall along the road or at the Food fair thingy every Friday Night.
after that, my mum and my sibs went to doha with aunty mary and her kids. Lil Kids Day Out. i think. i had the whole house to myself. yay yay. i did 1/3 of my Media Coursework. the analysis bit. *smiles*
i didnt eat at all yesterday, cept for the banana fritters. well.. i drank loads of water. i read this article, if ure hungry, just drink loads of water. smt detoxicating. i forgot. and i did. =) but just imagine the numbr of times i had to go to the toilet.
soo yea, after that Rebecca came over for her Piano lesssons. i swear, how can ppl know the notes and press the wrong thing on the keyboard. DONT THEY KNOW THT IT SOUNDS WEIRD? urgghh. i try not to get mad at her, because shes just a lil kid and shes just started. why, thanks to her previous teacher for not teaching her properly. i thought "he/she" was qualified to teach the piano?!
what happened to the basic skills of playing the piano?? where did it go???
- ur wrists MUST NOT rest on the keyboard. it limits the finger movement and ure most likely to press the wrong notes.
- ur fingers must look as if its holding a balloon under it. u HAVE to bend ur fingers and make sure ur wrist doesnt rest on the keyboard. just put ur fist under ur palm, thats how ur fingers are supposed to look like when ure playing.
- u must sit opposite the middle C key of the piano. in other words, MAKE SURE U SIT IN THE MIDDLE.
- dont fold ur legs while playing.
well, im not an expert here, but every pianist should know that these are the ABCs in piano playing. mag, do u agree with that? my previous piano teacher was really strict, and i love her to bits!!!! i shud give her a ring once im in Miri. muahahah
ok. enough abt piano.
oh then, i went Kickboxing. so tiring mannnnn.... loll
then then i went out to waha. and its my first time wearing flip flops. i was like, " i should wear flip flops, since its the summer already" hahahah before i left, i painted my toenails Ruby Red. prettttyyyyy =D
ate at the Waha, with Rahmi, Popi and Fitria. popi and i actually exchanged food. i din like the Fried rice i ordered, but i liked her chicken sandwich. she went GUGUGAGA over the Fried Rice. im like " Dakhira's fried rice tastes better"
went home like 2 hrs later.... was in a hurry coz Glitter was gonna start. the movie is BAD. the camera techniques are like WEIRD. did they use a handheld cm or smt? but i swear, i think the cameraman is crap.
so mum and the kids came home, and my mum was like.."spiderman 3 is sooo gdd!" - (muneeb, i think ure smiling now.lol)
and then im like but its an action movie. then shes like " no no, theres not much of it. its more abt friendship, love and loyalty"
im like.." u sure its gd?" then shes like " u know i dnt usually say a movie is good, if i say tthis movie is gd, then its realy good"
and then esther came up to me and shes like " damnnnn the hot guy died"
i think shes doing that to make me want to watch it. and she said that she cried at the ending.
I REALLY THINK I SHUD WATCH IT.. esther is not this girly girl who cries over a movie. whats so special abt this movie that it made her cry? MUST WATCH.
ok i g2g. its 12:36 pm and i havent taken my shower yet. mag, if ure reading this, upload the pics of ur prom night on ur blog.
announcement ppl!
Regina updated her blog, check it out.
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