Monday, April 30, 2007
i felt as if i havent updated for so long. not so sure when was the last time i update but im pretty sure its not long ago. =P
i miss my mr Bloggy thats why ;)
i havent got any time for Gym either. i remember i used to go to the gym religiously but now its like " nah, ill go tomoro"
PROCRASTINATING. of course, who would want to walk to the club as a warm up under the hot bright sun. i dont wanna go in the evening either, coz i CANNOT miss the Racheal Ray Show. pretty gd show u know, i reckon u watch it.
for girls, of course. but guys if u wanna learn how to cook the 15minutes way, watch it too then. i dnt cook of course, but i watch it coz her show's very interesting.
so Aunty Sarah just called, to ask if im interested into give Rebecca piano lessons! *gasps*
i really din know what to say, but i sounded so exccited over the phone. shes a beginner u see, and i dnt mind teaching beginners. and if theyre really interested they can go to a real piano teacher and get their grades!
and plus, im used to rebecca. she comes to my hse like every thurs to play the piano. well i teach her some songs, but it was free of charge. i was bored u know, so wth.. teach ppl! =D
oh ya u know the prefect duty, honestly, i am not used to it. and i have to somehow figure out a way on how to tell ppl to go into their classroom or go out for break.
ill get used to it soon, i have another 11 months to go till i give up my role as a prefect. MUAHAHAHA enough abt prefect.
i need a haircut. pronto. my fringe is a complete bugger. i know ive been whining abt it for the past 2 weeks. but somehow i just DONT have the guts to cut it. i really do not trust the hairdressers here. they say they know what im talking abt. two days later, u could see that the layers arent given much weight. and so the hair flips. instead of following ur face shape.
btw. i broke my french fries-free-diet. I ate a handful of french fries. YUCK man.
and eversince i got the rabbit, i felt as if the chicken im eating on the table is the rabbit. there is a possibility i might be a vegetarian. coz this eating meat is freaking me out. weird, i know.
this keyboard smells of Pledge. - its the thing used to polish wood furniture.
dammit. magdeline, a friend of mine in Oman and Lannie, a friend of mine is Saudi kept asking me when im going back to Malaysia.
SERIOUSLY. everytime they ask me that i answer " i dont know"
and my parents are not doing anything abt me going home. and its pretty much pissing me offf. i really want to go back. but i guess, ill be staying here. DO U KNOW HOW JOYFUL IT IS TO STAY IN QATAR FOR THE SUMMER?
argh, thinking abt it makes me go loco.
guys, if ure in Miri right now, i know ud say that Miri is a boring place blablbalblabla. BUT U KNOW. qatar's worse. wayy worse.
and if ure in KL. and if u say that kl is boring, u are definately wrong. if ure expecting a city life from qatar, u better dont. coz its not a city life. theres rude ppl EVERYWHERE. even worse there are perverts too.
yuck. u have no idea, HOW MUCH I HATE THIS COUNTRY.
did u know? theres a healthy way of being anorexic
no purging. needed
Friday, April 27, 2007
Rachel Likes Staying At Home
didnt feel like tagging along. and plus, i bet theyre not gonna go to Landmark or Villagio.
theyre going to the SOUQ. a no no for me.
i watched tv the whole day. well not really.
Doctor in the house - British Sitcom
America's Next Top Model
Dr Phil
Strong Medicine
i decided to..
well.. check this out and ull know
my parents arent coming back anytime soon.. so yeah im waiting for my KFC to come.
LOL shud i talk abt yesterday's Dance Fest?
long story.. but i know u have time to read ;)
Jasz and christie came...
watched the Dance fest
overall, the dance was really good... cept, some dance routines were monotonous.
and some dancers, looked soo weak. so their dance was lack of power. but anyhow, i salute them for being so brave to perform!
after that, we decided to go to Dakhira for dinner.
when suddenly on the way, my father called esther. esther, being VERY INFORMATIVE, called me (coz i was walking yona back to the waha.she came along on the way, but then decided to go home)
so yea, esther called and told me to search for nicholas coz he was LOST. and that theyre all going back to Waha.
esther also said that it was MY FAULT. GRR. i sent him back to my parents having the Qatari dinner and jasz and christie saw him with them after that. SO HOW IS IT MY FAULT?
turns out to be, nicky went home and my dad found him at the garden area thingy.
in the end, we all walkd back to dakhira. and ate at abt 9:40pm.
we din take any pictures. =(
btw, Happy Birthday Fitria!
p:s i played the piano ;) for the song above.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I Call It The Walk Of Shame
i played piano for the break time concert yesterday. geez. i made a mistake.... which was PRETTY obvious.
as i walk of the piano, my sister told me that my face looked as red as a tomato.
ms patison gave a big smile and so did mr taylor. why do they smile and clap if they know i made a mistake?!
after the whole thing finished, i rushed out to my class. i just cant stand the embarassment. busy slappin my head, and bisma kept telling me to calm down. thanks bisma... =D ( see i mentioned ur name(a) )
rushing out of the hall wasnt a gd thing. the inspectors wanted to talk to me!! and so they passed the msg to mr sheperd that if i wanted to go to a Music College in the UK.
well yea, i told him that i want to be in a music college.....and i dnt wanna be a music teacher, but id rather be a Music Engineer hahah... then i changed the topic
i asked him to ask Mr Taylor if they could like make a student exchange program for a Summer Music Camp. wouldnt that be great??
and mr sheperd said ok, he'll check it out... HOW COOL!!
so today, i got my prefect badge. SOMEHOW, i got a feeling that this badge pin is gonna break in a months time. its hard to attach it on the collar.
and also, I GOT MY SCIENCE RESULTS. did ok.
Physics (a) - 42 A
Physics ( b) - 40 A
Chemistry (b) - 38 B
STOOOPID DUFUSHEAD. i knew i changed my answers during the last minute while doing my Chemistry paper. SHEESH now i have to resit that damn paper in Nov.
i shudnt be cursing the paper or ill forever get a B.
jasz and christie are coming!! weehee~
i need a haircut. ASAP.
to add the whole frustration, MY FATHER BOUGHT A PET RABBIT.
i keep getting nightmares abt ppl putting little pups in front of my face.
im not suprised if esther just puts the rabbit RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE.
ill post the pic of the rabbit. u might think its cute.
and u might think that deep inside that i think the rabbit cute. INFACT PPL, I DNT EVEN THINK ITS CUTE AT ALL.
im an ANIMAL-HATER. a hardcore animal hater. I HATE THEM. if u disagree with me, SHUT UP. =)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mischevous Me
1 done and 4 more to go!!!!!!! ill record my Blues For Alice next week.
target of the week: make sure Blues For Alice is played perfectly before the next music lesson.
i recorded the piece, Fantasie by a Baroque composer called Telemann. im soo proud of myself! and u know i am the only one in class who has recorded a music performance. *jumps for joy*
so guys, ill be playing that piece tomoro for Break Time Concert. if u wanna hear, come! and plus, the clarinet group are performing too. instead of standing outside under the bright sun, come and watch us play!
However, in Science. muahahaha *giggles*
i sounded like a desperado asking for results. THANKS ARUBA. for making me ask mr davies TWICE.
"mr davies when are u gonna give us our result?" "mr davies, is that paper ure holding, the results?"
it was Maths, and oh my. Regina's such a good teacher! yea regina. not mr rogers. REGINA. lol. she taught me how the "step by step" way of making the Table of Values. yeah. table of values ppl. values needed to plot a graph. hahaha. it was CONFUSING. *dummie*
ok so we had Double Science again.
first, i asked mr davies if he has the results and he said.. after breaktime.
and so yea, regina was forcing me to ask abt it again. HOW FORCEFUL! -_-"
mr davies answered, " no, maybe not today"
while we were doing our work, mr davies left the room. suddenly aruba called me and whispered " rachel, the results are on the table. go check!" and i looked at zainab. then she nodded. then im like "then go check" then the both of them told me to check. GRR.
so i did. since the dustbin was near mr vardy's table, i took a piece of paper as my rubbish. and walked pass the table and peeked. however, i did not manage to figure out if that piece of paper was the results. couldnt read upside down u see.
i went back to my seat. and all the girls at my table were laughing at me. HMPH. mr davies came in, and guessed that someone looked at the papers on the table.
then he called out my name and said
mr.d: rachel, can i trust u?
me: yeah, sure
mr.d: who went to my table and have a peek at the papers here?
me: *giggles* me?
mr d: OH! its u? what did u see
me: erm papers saying Biology Chemistry Physics?
mr d: oh so u din lift the book up to see the paper under it which says Ali Baba..?
aruba was like.. RACHEL! i told u to lift up the book! the results are there!!
funny funny.
oh oh and regina snort in science. we were laughing abt something... i think we were laughing at mr davies's lame jokes.
then abt 15 minutes later mr davies snort while explaining us abt some chemical reaction.
after school, i went for the Prefect Interview.
i was too nervous i even thought of just walking back home!! after seeing Yona in Ms Pattison's room, i decided to stay. coz its like shes nearly done and theres no turning back.
the interview went well... im hoping for the best. but i wouldnt be heartbroken if i dnt get chosen to be a prefect. at least i tried.
Monday, April 23, 2007
i just woke up from my so-called nap. slept at 4:30pm and woke up at 9:28pm???? pretty ridiculous ya?
tell me how do i get back to sleep again. its school tomoro!
we had swimming for PE. not bad at all.. im suprised i could do breast stroke much better than last year. and i could dive without hurting my belly! =D
outcome of that, my RIBS hurt soooooo badly.. i cant even lift my arms coz it would hurt to much then. at least after the "nap" the pain's gradually gone but it still hurts.
the Cardio workout really increased my stamina. and it helps me alot in swimming (h)
note to self: ALWAYS STRETCH after swimming or ull hurt ur rib.
im watching Oprah.. its Oprah Special Report : Virginia Tech Massacre
rather interesting, and if u ask me, the gunman's face scares me! evil evil evil in his mind.
oooooo YSL has a new fragrance! Cinema thats what its called. hmm..
and oh, before i took my nap i watched Take That's Ultimate Tour. wow.. the boys could still dance so well!! arent they old?? their age must be like in their mid 30s or smt.
amazing!! u could dance like a teenager when ure in ur mid 30s. coool man.
btw ppl.. im on FRENCH-fries-free diet. yeap french fries free. meaning that i am NOT eating french fries at all! i used to eat french fries like twice in a week. how unhealthy. soo.. now.. instead of eating french fries.. i look for other "substitues"
so at the food court in doha, instead of buying mcd's meals with fries, i tell them that i want the nugget or the burger ONLY. and drink of course.
either that, OR, i go for Mr Venilli's yummy yummy spaghetti or baked pasta.
and if i go to beniggans, i wont order Fish AND chips. instead, i order fish and mashed potatoes.
yeahh i know im weird.. but it will be good to be able to resist french fries. and if i cant resist, ill just eat ONE. NOT MORE. then drink LOADS Of water. so i wont end up drooling to want to eat the fries.
muahahahaha =)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
oh my! the actor in Desire is hott! Louise or smt is his name? watch it on MBC4 at 8pm. and if ure in Malaysia, i think its gonna be the next soapopera after Fashion House in Starworld.
ive got 4 new pair of earings!!! 1 pair from yona,a pair from rahmi, another pair from pipit,another one from tasha.
i added to my EARING TREE =D and i think i need to buy another earing tree.
btw ppl, i have this buying-earing-disease. I ALWAYS HAVE TO BUY EARINGS.
at least now its toned down coz i prefer clothes, usually, i get earings instead. some of them doesnt even match my clothes, heck, i still buy it.
i was reading Amoi's blog.. omg... her apple strudel caught my attention. Amoi, i bet it tastes so good!!!!! u can sell those yummy looking apple strudel! $$$$$ lol
dont really know what to blog about nowadays...... damnit Prefect Interview is on Tuesday.
to be honest, im scared. *sigh, im scared of everything* i wonder what questions they are gonna ask me. hopefully, the interview goes well.
nothing much happened in sch, cept that im SOO GLAD that my friends came back from Indonesia. the class feels more complete with them arnd...
in maths, regina and i were going cuckoo on how to do the intersection of circle. thingy. the technique Mr Rogers taught us were hard! i dnt get how ppl could do it so fast.. must be some sorta genius. maybe it was coz of the bckground noise. it was SOO NOISY in the class u could barely concentrate. not that i like it silent either. now that would be AWKWARD
Oprah's showing. toodles!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
8 glasses of water
first thing's first!
I BOUGHT KEANE's latest album. well not latest, they released it in June. i fell in love with them right after i heard their song playing in Grey's Anatomy!
i fell for Keane's promoting strategy! meaning.. that by becoming the soundtrack of Grey's Anatomy, they attract more audience! Hence, becoming more popular!
the next trip to Virgin Megastore, i HAVE to buy Avril's new album!
i went to Villagio. and its the first time that i did not buy a shirt from Bershka. i feel sorry for the salesguy. its a good thing we know each other. hahahaha u know, i even wore the shirt i bought from there. that makes him love me more. (6)
u know ITS DISSAPOINTING to see their latest collection.
most of the shirts have flower prints on them. ITS UGLY! and its mostly yellow in colour. i dont suit yellow colour. i wanted to buy this top... but then the neck part was too low, that if i bend down ppl might peek into my boobs. HAHAH and like the rest of it were sleeveless and halter tops. my arms are dark enough, i dnt need to expose it to the sun for more tan.
hmm halter tops. i might need a black one. nvm nvm. im not in the mall already so why bother.
i did not enter Zara or H&M or MNG.. coz i could see from a distance that i din like the clothes in there. Pull & Bear just opened! and gosh. the clothes. SO UGLY. not my style i guess.. this summer's collection are mostly DULL colours. either dull or its YELLOW. heart -wrenching.
and im broke. :'( i might need to wait till next month. thats not long...10 more days..i can wait. cashhh cashhh $$$$$$$$$$
im so lazy to blog right now. my mum has guests over. and their topic is RATHER INTERESTING.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
No Title
rahmi's chatting to me right now, and she told me that the ppl in the school are freaky and about some other stuff u need not need to know. (6)
damnit im not allowed to go out tonight, partly coz my mum needs to buy some grocery and my dad hasnt come back from golf.
Aerodance is soooooo PISSING ME OFF.
i hate doing Latino Aerodance. IT IS JUST SO FRUSTRATING.
ive been kickboxing for like 2 months plus 2 times a week. and suddenly i had to do what i hate today. -LATIN AERODANCE. grrr. im not going on thursdays anymore. only coming on tuesdays coz kickboxing's on tuesday.
latin aerodance. YES. my hips DO LIE. i cant even do the arabic shake. ITS SO PAINFUL. but at least i could do the limbo walk and some other salsa moves.
i think the instructor could tell that i was pissed. i didnt do 1/8 of the moves. its SO FRUSTRATING.
then we had to stretch. OMG. 2 weeks not going for the class makes me sooo not flexible!!!! this was a bad day to go for the class. REALLY BAD DAY. i bet ill be enjoying kickboxing MORE than latin aerodance. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! its soo dissapointing.
who cares abt trimming my waistline? im fine with size 27. shaking my waist and my butt just makes me wanna cry coz i cant do it no more :'(
partly coz i dnt do those kinda dance. modern dance is what i do. NO BUTT SHAKING BUSINESS. cept for some. and SALSA definately is not what i enjoy doing.
karin and i were like " WE HATE IT" we kept asking the instructor what day kickboxing is.
omg, i was just viewing the number of ppl who took my poll. 10 ppl took it so far. 8 girls 2 boys?
its interesting to get to review the feedback!! to those who hasnt answer my poll, its just a scroll away! scroll down, look to the left side of the screen and start clicking! =D
i think i have babbled too much for the day. i shall stop yada-yada- ing now.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Roar For Malaysia!
Whoa... the final match between Nicole (MAS) and Natalie (AUS) was NERVE WRECKING. i was sooo scared that Nicole was gonna lose!!!!
This is the 7th time Nicole won against Natalie. =)
To Natalie, u did a great job, but TRY to stay calm. swearing in the court or pushing ur opponent wont give u any good.
One of the rallies lasted nearly 3 minutes!! HOW SCARY IS THAT.
My father was le chaffeur for the day. Nadia,Farah,Amalina and aida came with us.. they were like " THANK U SO MUCH RACHEL!!!!!!"
After the match, we CHASED nicole who was cooling down in the other squash hall. right after she finished stretching, she was like
Me: Nicole u rock!!
and some of the guys were like WELL DONE NIC!
Nicole: Thanks u guys.. We had a match in Kuwait and just a bunch of malaysian came to support. u guys were the best!! - it was smt along those lines. i kinda forgot-
oh my gosh. i cant believe i talked to the WORLD'S #1 Squash Player -for ladies.
i went GUGUGAGUGAGUGA over this squash player who was sitting amongst the crowd.
ALAISTER WALKER!!!!!! from England.
i didnt know who he was. until Farah told me that hes a squash player. OMG he's REALLY REALLY HOT. i like his hair!!!! i cant describe it coz i dnt know whats that hairstyle called. seems like locks. but its not coz its short?
AND HE WORE PINK! oh my goodnessss... *drools*
i kept turning to the back *blush*
oh and u know, there was this Eurasian who sat next to Nadia i think. i really wonder who he is.
i met Akmal and Sobrie. finally met them after getting to know them over MSN. lol didnt really talk though coz i went super loco abt Nicole's victory. :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Work It
To start off the ubber marvellous day, we had our first lesson with Mr Vardy for Chemistry!!
*hums the Joy To The World song*
We had Business Studies after that, and our teacher told us everybody their own grade. I have to say, i did pretty good * sticks tongue out* ( yea, there isnt any Smiley emoticon in Blogger so i have to use words -_-")
GEEK DAY! - yeah totally baby!!
in separate science today, i just DONT KNOW why, but i was the only person, who was answering all the questions put forward by Mr Locchead. well, sometimes Aruba answers. its either her, or me. or sometimes the whole class just mutter thru their answer.
Regina kept laughing, yeah, she always does
Mr Locchead: What makes up the cell wall?
Me: CALCIUM!!!!!
Sofiane: Proteins!
Mr Locchhead: CELLULOSE! *giggles*
should i go watch Squash? my sis is. hmm ala malas!!!!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Advertlets Review
well... i discovered this advertising network in some ppl's blog.. at first i thought, ok.. hmm why would u wanna advertise ur blog? then as i kept reading on other ppl's blog, i realised that the exact same poll was posted in their blog. i was soo curious, i clicked on the link. as soon as the page finished loading, i felt so EXCITED because Advertlet's tagline is..
yeap! MAKE MONEY. $$$$$$$ KACHING! but still, i wonder how can i earn money thru this. first coz, im living in Qatar. 2ndly, im just 14?
I like Advertlets because, as soon as i signed up, they gave me an HTML code of the poll. So that i can identify who my audience is. Good technique of collecting info. (6) Also, they provide the statistics data. Its HASSLE-FREE!
to the Malaysian bloggers currently living in Malaysia, its worth giving it a try. u can benefit free CREDIT. Digi/Maxis/Celcom... hahaha
Please answer my poll
Mind spending some time answering 4 questions on the poll? Scroll down, and its on your left.
Thanks yaaa
Love you guys. MUAH.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
To The Left..
ima create some quizzie on my post. so im tagging...
and to u ppl who wants to copy this quiz in ur own blog, feel free to do so =)
List 5 random things in ur mind right now
my ears are itchy
4. What is ur worse cooking disaster?
- i made fried rice wrapped with omelet. Nasi pataya they call it in Malaysia. but instead, the fried rice tastes like CRAP coz i forgot to add in sweet onions and i added like less than a pinch of salt.
- I am a MALAYSIAN. not a Philipino, not an Indonesian, DEFINATELY NOT A SIAMESE. but if ure think im mix blooded, ill take that as a compliment *winks*
- im a messy girl. my room's a mess.
- im 14 going on 15. I AM NOT A KID. grr those securities in Ritz Carlton told me to enter the hall using the children's entrance. boo you.i bite my nails IN PUBLIC. yeah. gross i know i do it most when im in maths class
i sound like a cartoon in the phone. I KNOW I DO :( soo retarded
Friday, April 13, 2007
these are the pictures from my camera. theres more in christie's cam, shes not online right now to send it to me.
- i ate LOADS of fooooodd!!! jasz's mum made Char Koi. a chinese savoury dish. WAHH... heart hearts! aunty mary made sao pau! then the rest of the food, i forgot. coz there was just too much
- we took loads of pictures. like alot alot alot.
- while taking those jumping pictures, i left my camera and jasz left her ipod and her camera on the ground. suddenly.. aunty mary was like eh, ur camera's wet! i was like soo shocked and i ran towards the camera. it was DRY! when we left it there! mustve been the high tide!!! but thank god, my camera works just as fine, but jasz's camera is DEAD. R.I.P. no more white looking pictures from ur cam jasz
- ermm then we all became all quiet becoz of the cam incident. so jasz and christie went for a swim, but not me, coz i had erm. u know. sickness especially for ladies. so i looked for lil fishy instead. but they swam too fast! couldnt catch them =(
- ermm.. then.. we all sat.. and gossiped. and took more picturos! =D
ok so the only part i remember is....
we were looking for a place to pee. me and jasz. well. so we had to walk further away from the picnic spot.
rach: CHRISTIE! guard us! make sure theres NO CARS
jasz: rachel DO NOT LOOK
rach: im not!
jasz: DO NOT LOOK!
rach: im not!!!!!
rach: ME TOO!
jasz: im gonna pee now!
sigh. IT TOOK US LIKE 10 MINUTES. to eventually pee without laughing or saying "DO NOT LOOK"
girls these days ~
so many things happened. even i forgot some of em. hahaah
Thursday, April 12, 2007
heh?! i cant sign in to MSN? oh welll MSN's always like this anyway.
i went to City Centre for like the first time in 3 months shud i say? the last time i went there was when.. my mum was buying xmas decoration in Home Centre.
i HATE going to City Centre. its such a shame that its a big building yet, nothing attracts me at all. not even the clothing shops na ah. ANYWAY, the only clothing shop i know of there are like, Promod,Splash,Limited Too,Giordano,Vermoda,Terranova. ISNT THAT IT?
its stressful shopping in City Centre. well some of u might not agree with me, but really. that place is just HORRIBLE. even if u come during working hours, or praying times,that place is just not pleasant to be at.
my fav shopping malls are only....
- Landmark - coz its got Megamart, they sell good food stuff and clothing shops. MNG.. Jennyfer.. Monsoon!
trust me, i always get mad if i go to City Centre. id rather stay at home. LOL
oh my, i owe Ozi a CD. i was supposed to give it to Ahmed in kickboxing so he could pass it to Ozi. uh oh.i missed kickboxing lessons for THE WHOLE WEEK nooooooooo
today has been an exhausting day.
oh ya, i met an author in iSpy bookshop! she was like promoting her new book. forgot her name.. Meghan Steller or smt. its a book abt an Irani lady.... Arabita woven? cant seem to take notice of the book, coz i wasnt that interested. lol she was nice. American i suppose.
i watched Mr Bean's holiday. with.. my siblings. -_-" sigh.
hmmm... its a gd movie actually. well of course, its Mr Bean. so if ure IN NEED for laughs, u shud watch Mr Bean's Holiday. kinda slow at first, but nevermind.. just watch, it gets better towards the end. worth watching.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Poppin Champagne
yesterday, i went to the gym * i bet u guys are like thinking " yeah so?" *
and i burnt 310 cal. altogether. * i bet ure thinking "lol. i can burn more than u"*
............... so yea guys, hahaha just wanted to share that!........
ok so Shaheen, welcome back to Qatar!
just saying that coz i wouldnt wanna do that on MSN ..due to certain reasons. especially if its from me.
christie, i hope u feel better. u couldve done some retail therapy to release stress ;)
so last night, i went to have dinner with the girls..and i think its gonna be my last meeting with Alex..
ok so i was supposed to pick Rahmi up? coz popi and the rests are SUCH SLOW WALKERS. hmph. but it turnd out EVERYONE arrived at her hse at the same time! omg shes such a VIP. i must make sure i get the same service too from u ppl
as soon as we arrived in Dhakira, Mr santa. - not gonna say his name - or i might get sued (A)- but seriously hes sucha fag. LOL
i entered the club first, so, knowng me, i dnt walk as slow as those girls are. they take their time.
suddenly as i was heading towards the restaurant
i turned, and he din seem to be talking to me so i walkd on further, and further and i had to tie my shoe(A)
and thank god graha was like KEEP WALKING KEEP WALKING and he brought me outside near the pool. i was laughing so hard!
then Bella, was like WHY ARE U HERE? arent u supposed to be there?
i couldnt answer her coz i was busy laughing.
turns out in the end, mr santa din mean what he said abt the ID card =(
pfft. i wish the girls got into trouble (A) jk. hehehe
alex ate the Chili i was talking abt a week ago!!!!!!! YEAP SHE DID omg!!!!! HHHAHAH it was sooo funny. its undescribable.
btw, REG where are u? lama x ko nga post blog!!
kickboxing later in the evning, WEEHEE.
Celeb Crush

seen GC's new video? my, its breathtaking lol weirdness rachel weirdness. his new hairstyle suits him!
but why did he break up with Hilary? i mean like, theyre perfect. and now hes with Ms Richie. and ergh, they DO NOT look as if theyre gonna last long. shes not pretty anyway.
my perfect breakfast today =D
cream crackers + raspberry jam
TASTES REALLY GD. and if ure not a weight concious kinda person, add some whipped cream. tastes really gd! Munchys cream crackers goes well with this. TASTE OF HOME. Jacobs Cream Crackers do fine too. i tried the Mark And Spencers cream crackers. errr... i dnt quite like it. its TASTELESS.
welll well..
YAY TRIP TO FUWAIRAT this friday!!! well.. i hope i can go.. photoshooto! with jasz and christie and milliee!
ahhh i have started my Maths homework. not hard at all. i mean why is he giving us BASIC NUMBER WORK? arent we supposed to do what we're OUGHT to do? weirdoo
OMG OMG rahmi's gonna show the saloon in Indo to cut her hair just like how i cut her hair a year ago! shes gonna use the style that i did on her to show to the saloon! HOW FABULOUS! RACHEL U HAVE DONE SUCHA GREAT JOB
im talking rubbish arent i? i should stop
p:s WORLD NO 1 SQUASH PLAYER NICOLE DAVID FROM MSIA IS IN QATAR!!!!!! i forgot what the tournament's called! i hope she gets into the finals! RAWRRR FOR NICOLE! Malaysia Boleh!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sharing is Caring
My Must-Have Songs
- Korn ft Amy Lee - Freak On A Leash
- Natasha Bedingfield-I Wanna Have Babies
- Modest Mouse - Dashboard ( very catchy tune, ignore the voice)
- Christina Aguilera - Candyman
- Beyonce - Upgrade U
- P Diddy - Last Night
- Muse - Invicible (rather scary intro.. but overall its amazing )
- Manic Street Preachers - Your Love Is Not Enough ( just saw them on tv. quite gd. must be some old band having a new come back or smt)
My Top 10 Most Played
- Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder
- Coco Lee- Sunshine
- Natalie - Call Me Up
- Fall Out Boy -The Take Over, The Break's Over
- Katherine Mcphee - Each other
- Paula Deanda - Good Girl
- Fergie - Big Girls Dont Cry
- Ashley Tisdale - He Said She Said
- Katherine Mcphee - Over It
- Ecoutez - Percayalah
Omg. Whats currently playing on the tv right now?
Hilary Duff - With Love.
missed that out on my top 10. the song's gd for dance party. its disco-ish. love Hilary Duff's hair in the video.
badabababadababa.. take a look at my girlfriend.. shes the only one i got... (8)
i remember i have this song like ages ago. even before its on video. :S i remember MTV Asia kept showing this song on tv. eh? confusing. weird. it cant be out that early. impossible.
sigh i wonder how did the Kanye West "Touch The Sky" tour go..
hmmm... everyone in Malaysia seems to be talking abt it. :'(
wonder who was incharge of advertising the concert. i hope its Hotlink. hotlink rocks my socks!
could be Channel V. or MTV asia.
eeewwwwwwww MCR - famous last words. SO SCARY. the video.
im always scared of this kinda video. especially from MCR. *shutters* i mean like. is it supposed to entertain us, or to SCARE US?? the lead singer looks as if satan just got into him. SCARY. i wouldnt wanna listen to this song on the ipod. heart attack.
u know, JT's song, What Goes Around Comes Around.... reminds me of the ppl back home. well in Miri, most girls listen to this kinda song. and the boys just listen to this kinda.... scary grunge songs or screamo. omg. that reminds me of Jerome. he listens to EVERY song that scares me. Lacuna Coil, M.Manson.. those kinda ppl. ERK.
do u know that its 12:45 pm. and i havent taken my shower yet. ima go. before mum gets mad.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Fresh New Look!
congrats to Bisma for being the first one to DISCOVER the change.
fyi, im not this Vintage kinda girl. i just like the layout well its the only NICE one which comes in black. the other layouts were like anime and stuff.. and all pastel-ish in colour. so yeah thats why i chose this layout. it looks good anyway!!
why did i change my layout?
BOREDOM is the answer ure looking for.
i was bored, i had nothing to do.
the old layout is boring.
see..BOREDOM says it all!
im soo full. just had lunch. i had... chinese style chicken curry. love chinese food. hahaha difference between chinese curries compared to other curries is that theyre not THATspicy. just so u know. =P
i watched Chasing Freedom. really good movie i must say. what is it abt? i couldnt be botherd to summarize it here. u go figure, ok?
and if u INSIST on knowing what it is, ask me on MSN. lol
Checklist for holidays ( i cant get enough of check list can i )
- maths homework
- music homework
- compose another piece of music
- finish theory book
clean up my roomwatch more British sitcoms
omg. so i only have like a week to finish.. the other 4 tasks. DANG.... nvm. no rush. fun fun.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
So This Is Goodbye...
reggie! my blog song is COOLER than your "you're my butterfly, sugar baby" ( did i get the lyrics right?)
im sick. oh, what a gd way to start the EASTER holidays =(
ahh im blank. my mum's actually calling me for lunch. bad timing to blog.
ive been waking up early nowadays. im making sure that i sleep for 8 HOURS ONLY. not more. reduce the chance of getting fat. so im now a morning person... *yeah, thats what she said* been waking up between 8-9 am.
first thing i did in the mornning, was CLEANING MY ROOM... my mum told me too grrr. but anyways it was kinda messy. i wouldnt want my skin to get rashes whatsoever.
then for breakfast i had cream crackers with strawberry jam. its yum!! at least better, than eating fried rice. less calories intake u see.
i watched... Strong Medicine. hmm similar to ER. i havent been watching ER for agesss! used to love that show.. omg. cant wait to watch Grey's Anatomy must be gd too
its Easter!! wahhhh smt lively should be going on here. its a celebration! and yet, why is my parents not doing any functions. IM SO BUMPD OUT. is it coz im sick?(A) or is it cz my dad's working?? but still its EASTER! fine ill shut up -_-"
i shal pay a visit to the gym later. eventhough im sick. it makes me feel REALLY GD.
should i post some pics?? yes i should ill do it later on, on of the usb port at my laptop doesnt work. i dnt wanna use touchpad. its plain slow.. ahaha hurts my wrist(A)
im chatting to Sherlene right now.. and she's like.. " I'LL GO PSYCHO IF MY PARENTS WONT LET ME GO TO QATAR" hahaha! we miss each other alot =( back home, we usually go in the same car coming home from school.. then my mum would drop us of to our fav hanging out place. well EVERYBODY'S fav hanging out place.. PARKSON GRAND
lets just pray that she'll be coming after her PMR exam.
im hungry. and mum's got curry for lunch. im a bit phobia. i dnt think ill be able to stand curry after the CHILI INCIDENT. -thank u very much christie.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Tragedy Of The Chilli In DISGUISE.
it started out like this.... i got home from kickboxing while the rest (my family and christie's fam) went to church at the school behind my house.
christie,millie and my sis came to pick me up while my parents were waiting in the car.
went to Dakhira, and ordered sizzlers.
we were hungry, but u see, we kept talking for like 20 minutes and as the food arrived we were QUIET. and we ate. well we did kinda talk but not much. then... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
since christie and millie ordered Chicken Szechuan sizzzler.... christie started wondering what this lil red fruit was doin at the sizzler plate. PFT SO NOSY. if u were just smarter, WE DIN HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE EFFIN PAIN!!!!!
christie: whats this?
me: i dnt know.. *continues eating*
millie: looks like a date
millie: huh
christie: it looks like a berry
christie gets the fork and "speared" the so called "CHINESE DATE" chews it as if it was a fruit THEN SUDDENLY she wanted to throw the "CHINESE DATE" from her mouth.
christie: -gave the i-need-to-get-rid-of-this-asap- look-
christie swalowd it looking as if it is a CHINESE DATE.
she took the napkin. STARTED TURNING RED, BECOMING ALL TEARY and started SNIFFING.
rachel: stop acting! its just a date! or is it... a chili?
christie: NODS and furiously drinks millie's mineral water and her ice tea alternately.
millie: lets see, i shall disect the "date" ........oh its a chili!
rachel: OH YA ITS A DRIED CHILI!OMG OMG try it millie!
so millie tried and her reaction was the same. i thought it was an exagerration.
i decided to try it myself. PLACED the chili on my spoon, lookd at it, finally pops it into my mouth
chewed as if it was a fruit. SPITS IT OUT and start shaking like someone who just got an electric shock. tears came out. i couldnt stop drinking for 20 minutes!!!! i had to go walk arnd. coz i was REALLY SCARED THAT I WILL BARF.
and mr naidoo was a table away. i hope he din see me going nuts as if i was gonna lose my tongue forever. i drank.. my ice tea which was abt 600 ml? and the whole of the mineral water... 500 ml? 1 litre!! and im shaking my knees so badly coz i NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET.
fanning myself. trying to laugh along, but couldnt coz it was BURNING HELL.
christie kept laughing... and i just kept shivering like someone whos suffering from Parkinson's disease.
the pain stoppd after half an hr... and i could feel the sseeds of the chili stuck in between my teeth. if i try to get it out, its gonna start burning my tongue.
and now.. christie and i are laughing about it so badly!!!! millie just keeps typing on the other comp soo stupidddd my goodness. Lord Help Us.
Finish Media CourseworkSports DayPrefect ResumeBuy Music Books OnlineFix my fringe- Watch movies
- Finish Chemistry Homework *sigh*
i just finishd my free-piano lesson with Rebecca. hahahahah its fun to teach piano! sooo cool...
love teaching piano. anyways
today was sports day. i got 4th in shotput and i got 4th in Relay. NEVERMIND.
1st place -- Emerald Knights
2nd place -Golden Gladiators
3rd - PURPLE PIRATES. weehee!
4th Crimson cossacks
oh my gosh my little sister is a bullly! she spilld water on my computer chair and now my butt is wet. GRRRR. Looks can be deceiving..
OH MY GOSH WHAT DO I BLOG ABOUT. i feel like im loosing my "readers" nooooo!!! this cant be happening! *screams*
ill post the pictures later on coz right now, i needa go for kickboxing in 10 mins.
ive got a cavity!!!!! it hurts! and u know how long it takes till my next appointment?! 20 DAYS. ILL BE SUFFERING FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! dont they have emergency teeth repair? what if someone needs to pull their teeth? do they have to wait for 20 days?! sheesh..~
Monday, April 2, 2007
Mamma Mia
-why why did i.. ever let u go..- thats the best part of the song. that line sounds so catchy
in like half an hour's time mrs miles is coming for my piano lesson.. well u might think that i should practice my pieces instead of blogging.. but na... i dnt believe in last minute practice. i tend to create new mistakes if i do.
ill be going to the Infant school later to help out.... wonder what we're supposed to do, i shall check it out. my amigas are gon' be there so no worries, we'll go thru pain and joy together. hahaha sounds cheesy.
skipped Orchestra today.. i just din feel like going... its BORING! we play the same songs every week.
we watched the movie "Of Mice and Men" in english. not bad~.. my thoughts towards George was absolutely right, not Lennie though..
oh oh oh! BISMA! update ur blogg!!!!! its been ages since u did.
i was chatting to Charis last week.. and she was telling me abt her needing to write abt something Cliche to attract her readers in FictionPress. so i told her to wrote a love story! knowing Charis, always unromantic...diff from any other girls. VERY DIFF. she said that shes just gonna make her story similar to High Sch Musical. Boy meets girl, conflict happens, they get back together.
ok see.. ppl prefer reading something cliche? coz they know what to expect out of it..
LOL im just babbling abt. sorry. 2:55 pm now. i better go.. adios ppl.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
im almost done with my coursework!!!!!!
nth much happened today.
EXCEPT. that i finishd composing my ORIGINAL music score!!!! WEE HEE.
and and OMG. some ppl are just plain rude.
BENNESON was like asking me to keep his paper in his folder.
and all he said was OI OI OI OI OI OI and like swinging the paper behind my back.
and my response was... OH HOW RUDE! then i walk away. then he muttered "wtf.. u biit.."
i LOLed hard. coz i like being horrible to ppl. and me, with gd comebacks and words... mustve offended him.
who cares abt rude ppl. . rude does the world already know that he is? i am yet to figure it out.
we did berry pickin! there was a tree..... near where we hang out for break...i ate like 8 ? they taste really sweet....!!!! ut my hands looked as if its covered in blood. natural colour lol.
HMMM.. oh oh alex, mr roger's daughter is visiting for easter holidays!!!!!! the last time i saw her was.. uh erm.. i dnt know..
its gd that shes here for a visit, then we could all witness a burping competition!! HAHA
and i just got disconnected on my wireless. GREAT.
i shall leave seeing as my wireless is as stupid as a donkey.