Saturday, August 25, 2007

im a mess! i just cant believe how boring it can get here. what have i been doing the whole day?
talking to lannie over MSN --> voice chat!

hes bored, im bored. = WE'RE BOTH BORED.
we kept talking and talking.
lol. tlak about his problem, i talk about mine. we try to help each other. unfortunately, our problems are quite similar. EXCEPT MINE'S WORSE. way worse.i dnt mean to sound like an emo, but id rather DIE than having to face this fckin problems, which actually was all my fault.

i hate having this CRUSH CRISIS. stupid stupid stupid.

btw, i screwed up - ONCE AGAIN.

it was hard for me to tell, but i just had to. i swear, im gonna go crazy thinking of that again.

i shudnt have done that. i really shudnt have done that. i was this close < >! yeah and then i messed it up.

is it selfish to tell someone that he/she needs to get on with his/her life, because its impossible for a LDRelationship?? is it selfish for the person to tell him/her to move on because he/she doesnt wana be a burden?

TELL ME IS IT SELFISH?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

should i take back my words over EVERYTHING i said to him?! i feel sooooo much like a fuckin goddamn loser. someone help me.

SCHOOL. I NEED U. PRONTO. hah. now i sound more like a loser. i need a LIFE. now!

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